"I just- I thought you were...and I...." I couldn't form any proper sentences. He pulled me in closer to him and I cried on my chest.

"Love, you're shaking." He said, holding me tighter.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into his chest .

"You don't have anything to be sorry about love." He said rubbing my back.

"No. I told you I'd come and pick you up and I fell asleep."

"It's totally fine Mer, you're allowed to fall asleep." He said letting go of me and caressing my face.

"I know. But I promised I'd come pick you up." I said, tears still falling from my eyes.

"Love, it's fine. You don't need to be upset about this." He said using his thumbs to wipe my eyes.

"I can't help it."

"I know. But I'm here now, and that's all that matters." I nodded.

"Did you eat already?" I asked, composing myself.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." He said as we walked down the stairs.

"Do you want takeout or to cook something?" I asked opening the fridge. I made a mental note to go to the grocery store.

"We can order takeout. You look exhausted."

"That's what everyone wants to hear." I said walking past him and into the living room.

"I'm serious, how much sleep did you get when I was gone?" He asked, squatting in front of me on the floor.

"Probably not as much as I should have." I said picking at my fingers.

"Mer, you can't keep doing this to yourself."

"I know." I said. "It's just harder to sleep here alone." I said looking up at him.

"Good thing you don't have to worry about me leaving again for a long time."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I talked to Andrew and canceled a few shows." Shawn said, smiling.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because I have more important stuff to do here."


"It's already done."

"I-" I paused. "Okay."


"Shawn?" I called from the nursery. I needed help putting the mattress back in the crib from where I was making it yesterday.

"Yes love?" He said poking his head in the room.

"Can you come put the mattress back in the crib." He nodded and opened the door the rest of the way.

"It looks really good in here." He said walking over to the crib and picking up the mattress.

"I was thinking of moving the dresser over there and turning the crib so it's in the corner though." I said crossing my arms and bitting my thumb.

"Do you want me try to see what it looks like?" He asked, after placing the mattress in the crib. I nodded.

He moved the dresser to the other wall and turned the crib so it was in the corner.

"I think it looks good." He said, leaning up against the wall.

"Just a second." I said. I grabbed the blankets off of the chair and draped them over the side of the crib. "Perfect."

Merbearsings17: baby girls room is finally done 💝 #18weekstogo

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Merbearsings17: baby girls room is finally done 💝 #18weekstogo

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Username: this room is soooooooo cute

Username19: why does this kid get a better room than I have?

Allycat22: if the music thing doesn't work, you could be an interior designer😍 that girl is already so spoiled!

"So like, is this going to be an everyday thing?" I asked Ally, picking up the wedding planning book.

"Pretty much. I've got lesson plans and a baby shower to plan, while helping you plan your wedding, it's going to be an everyday thing." She said, highlighting something in the textbook she was holding.

"If this is too much, you really don't have to help plan the wedding." I said, putting the book back down on the table.

"We've literally been planning your wedding since we were playing in the dugouts. I'm not missing out on this." She said, looking at something on her laptop.

"Do you want me to get someone else to do the baby shower?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm fine Mer, I've got it all under control." She said.

"Okay, I just don't want you to stretch yourself too thin." I said looking at the book with dresses in it.

"It's all good. This is what I live for." She said smiling.

"What are you girls up to?" Shawn asked, walking into the kitchen. He walked up behind me and kissed my head.

"God, you smell." I said wrinkling up my nose.

"It's cause he just worked up a sweat losing to me in basketball." I looked up and saw Charlie standing in the door way.

"Charlie!" I said, excitedly. "I'd hug you but you're all sweaty." I said, not even getting up from the chair.

"It's good to see you too Mer." He said walking over and ruffling my hair. "And hello to you to miss Essie." He said rubbing my stomach. She kicked him in response. His eyes widened and he starred at me.

"Relax. That means she likes you." I said smiling, rubbing the spot where she kicked me.

"And she, like, does that all the time?" He asked. I laughed at his amusement.

"Yes C. She does it all day, especially when I'm trying to sleep."

"Okay boys, I hate to break this up, but were trying to plan a wedding, baby shower, and a weeks worth of lessons here." Ally said, speaking up. "So can you take your sweat and go else where?"

"Yes ma'am." They said in unison.

"Bossy." I mumbled under my breath.

Where's my girl Florence at? I'm trying to go swimming 😂😂😂

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