16. Encounter (Part 1)

Začít od začátku

It's only fair.

I let out a last chuckle before leaving towards the dorm, "Hehe."


Serri's POV

*Two days later*

I was freely walking down the occupied halls until a girl suddenly approached me. "Hi, can I talk to you for a second?" she said. I looked around, making sure I was the person she was surely talking to.

Just then, she turned around and walked away before I could say anything. Without giving it much thought, I quickly followed her out of this stairway exit and stepped outside.

"Um, where are we going exactly?" I asked.

Without turning around, she said, "You'll see." I continued to follow her, now carrying the bittiest feeling of doubt with me.

Up until when I saw a group of girls waiting and the girl walking off to join them, leaving me vulnerably standing by myself, I had second thoughts about following her.

I took a few steps back in caution. My eyes looked around; no one was around.

A girl stepped up, and I recognized it was the girl who threatened me on that day. Confusion ran through me. They didn't see me talking to V right?

She was approaching me while grimly smirking, "I guess you couldn't keep your filthy hands off of him, huh?"

They saw.

While coming close to me, her hands jerked up and pushed me multiple times before I lost my balance and flew to the ground.

She scoffed, "Didn't I tell you to stay away? You little b*tch." She suddenly kicked me near my hip, where the bruise was, and I let out a little wince. I heard wicked laughter behind the girl. I clutched onto my school skirt to hold in my pain.

It's funny how the only thought I had was why did I follow her? I'm really truly stupid.

I hate everything, including myself.

Someone interrupted, "Go easy on her." I instantly looked up and saw another girl taking a few steps to have a better view of me. She looked familiar... Someone I never met, but somehow she looked familiar, or she sounded familiar.

As the rest of the girls came to beat me up, I tried to endure one last of it. My hair was constantly yanked, and I felt kicking everywhere, and some people threw a few punches. I wanted to defend myself, but how many girls were here? I tried to curl up in the ball and protect my stomach with my arms.

Someone please save me, I thought.

"Our Eun Mi wouldn't like low people like you to interfere with her target. Make this the last threat I'm giving you." The girl, who called me a b*tch, gave me one last slap to the face, sending me to only weakly lay down on the ground with me tasting fresh blood on my tongue and feeling pain everywhere. I didn't have the strength to move any more. Once they saw I was all beaten up, everyone backed away. I could feel their pride of accomplishment.

With my head laying on the dirt ground, I tried to search for this "Eun Mi" girl.

From a first glance, she looked very pretty. Where have I seen her?...

"Let's go. She should know her place by now." She let out a grievous laugh that showed no mercy.

Then it hit me when I heard that obnoxious laugh. The time at the bathroom, I thought.

"Anyone of them will do for me." (refer to chapter 3)

"...if you date them, then you guys could become the most popular couple here."

The memory immediately shot me in the head.

Everything suddenly came together.

V? Did she choose V to play with? I looked over to Eun Mi and eyed at her hair.




Hello everyone! I'm sorry for not updating because I was busy with things, but since I was writing this bit by bit on some days and editing it, I got around it. Thank you for waiting!

Oh, and I should gratefully thank you guys for the support because this story managed to get into the category ranking thing. I was so surprised because I never imagined my work to be on that honorable thing. Thank you so much!

But... Heh. After several days, I lost it. Hehe.

Please vote, comment, and follow if you enjoyed this story! I would love to read what you guys think!

And this message is getting super long, so I'll cut it off now. See you in the next chapter!~ ^^

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