20. Dearest, Selfishness

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"I'm sorry, you want what?" Alexander asked. He'd heard what the other man said, but he was more worried about how absolutely insane the idea sounded. Here this grown ass man was saying that he'd help a group of kids as long as one of them stayed behind. 

"I. Want. Him. To—"

"Yeah, we heard you," Thomas spoke up, finally finding his voice after trying to figure out what he was going to say. "I want clarification before I agree to anything." 

"Jefferson are you seriously considering this?!" Alexander whispered. He didn't think twice about calling the other boy by his last name, but when Thomas confirmed that he was considering staying and responded with 'Hamilton'  it struck a nerve with Alex. 

"Clarification?" The man repeated in an amused tone. 

"How do you know I'd be able to connect to anyone?" 

"I don't. I knew people that were able to, though, and I was never able to initiate a connection with them. Not only that but before they figured out what they could do, they all thought they just didn't have a soulmate." The man in the chair smiled and it looked almost crazed to Hamilton. It was beyond creepy and he was ready to look for any way he could to get out. 

"I can see why you'd want the system to go down, kid," he said, looking directly at Thomas. "You are the key to knocking down the building blocks, unlike Mr. Selfish over there just trying to ditch his soulmate because he's picky—"

"You wanna fucking come down here and say that?" Alex yelled, taking the surprise of everyone. He didn't care much, though, he was not in the mood for the man's shit and he was ready to fight anything, even though he wouldn't last two seconds against his opponent considering he'd probably have the entire room on top of the kid before he could throw a punch. Not only that, he was killing two birds with one stone. He got to release some of his anger while he kept Thomas from staying with a madman claiming to have a magic cure.

"What I want is you to get out of my home," the man growled. "I changed my mind. You're completely on your own in all your departments." 

Hercules, looking annoyed with how Hamilton handled the situation, tried asking again and apologizing for his friend, only to be told that the chance was ruined. 

Everyone stormed outside and stood for a second before anyone said anything. Peggy was the first to speak up. 

"That's why you're doing this?" She asked, sounding more pissed than the man in the chair. "To ditch Eliza?"

"No, Peg, that's not—" he reached out to grab her shoulders, only to be harshly slapped away. "Please, don't tell her, okay? I'm still trying to figure that out."

"If you don't do it before I have the chance to, you better start practicing your damn improvisation." 

"He's fine at that," Hercules jumped in. "Nice going on ruining the best chance we had, Hamilton." 

The two that had already torn into Alex started walking away, while Thomas just stared at him. Just as Hamilton was about to say something, Jefferson interrupted. 

"Do you like seeing me suffer?" he asked quietly and with genuine confusion. "Really, I want to know, 'cause it seems like every time I get close to something I want, you have to come in and rip me away from it." 

"Wait, you're not actually telling me you wanted to stay, are you?" Alex laughed. 

"Let's step back and think for once," Thomas spat. "I have gone my entire life feeling like an outsider with friends and family, and for the first time ever, I get told that I might be able to fix that, and you thought that I didn't want to stay?"

Dearest, Soulmate (Jamilton)Where stories live. Discover now