21. The Night Pt. 1

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Ally's POV

It was around 11 when it all started.

Most of the guys had gone to sleep.

Tae and Jungkook were playing video games while Jimin was making coffee for all of us.

Andy was talking to her parents in one corner of the room.

The only sounds in the room were of shooting from the game when suddenly Taehyung cried out in pain and fell on his side.

Jungkook stared at him in alarm, not knowing what to do.

I jump off of the comfy couch and kneeled down next to him.

Jungkook was panicking, looking at his brother in pain.

I put a hand on his shoulder, 'Hey, call Jimin for me will you?'

My voice seemed to calm him down. Hearing Jimin's name in my request, he nodded and ran to the kitchen.

'Beanie!' I yell out for Andy.

'Don't... Let her... Touch me.' Tae groaned out.

His back was arched and he was twisted to his side, his hands in fists, resting on the floor. His breaths were coming in slow pants.

Jimin came running and skidded next to Tae. Andy right behind him.

Jungkook and Jimin helped Tae stand up and half dragged him to his room.

While Andy and I ran in front.
I opened the door and turned on the lights and did the one thing I had been regretting till now.

I grabbed Andy from the back as she moved towards Tae.

'Ally what are you doing? Let me go.'

I couldn't reply because just then Tae let out a gutteral scream. It raised goosebumps in me, I could only imagine what it did to her.

Jimin held him down on the bed making sure he didn't roll off in pain.

By now Andy and I were kneeling on the floor, both in tears at the scene.

'Let.. Me.. Go. Please peanut.'

I almost did. But I remembered my promise to Tae. He was in agony and if Andy so much as touched him, she would pass out instantly.

'Kookie, go, I don't want you to see this and I don't think Tae does either.' Jimin said to Jungkook quietly.

The younger had an expression of defiance on his face but it disappeared when he looked at Tae.

He got up from his seat on the floor and left the room but not before whispering to us,' mian haeyo.'

It didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant.

Andy had given up on trying to escape from my grip and now was sitting next to me on the carpet. Now and then she would sob.

Tae seemed a bit more conscious of his surroundings then he was a few minutes ago.

With Jimin's help he sat up against the pillows, sweating from the exertion. He saw my grip on Andy's jacket and nodded, 'Thank you.'

Realization clicked in her eyes and she just shook her head, 'You idiot.'

That's when my turn to scream started.

All through out the night the stretch in my arm had been increasing to the point where it felt like it would snap if I raised it.

As the familiar and unwelcome burn came back, the pull in my arm vanished.

My outburst caused Jimin to abandon Tae's side and run to me.

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