1. Chapter

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"Jongdae! Baby! Come here! I want to introduce you to somebody!", his mother shouted and the three years old boy immediately ran over to her. His eyes grown huge from the questioning look he had on his face at which his mother chuckled.

She took his hand and led him over to the front door, where a woman and a little boy were waiting. To judge from the boy's height, he must have been slightly older than Jongdae. Maybe five or six, Jongdae guessed as he stared at the boy in front of him.

Something about him caught his attention immediately. It drew him towards the boy. A warm feeling spread across his chest, through his whole body and made him relax. Giving him a feeling of... yeah, of safety.

As his gaze lingered on the other's eyes the feeling only got stronger. The feeling took over his whole body and paralysed him. But the voice of his mother startled him out of his reality, when she caressed his hair.

"Jongdae, my dear. This is Kim Minseok. He is new here and since we are neighbours I thought that you could help him out a little. You could maybe show him the playground or introduce him to your friends. Would you do that, sweetheart?", she asked him, smiling brightly. Jongdae returned it and nodded eagerly.

"Of course mummy!", he exclaimed and his mother chuckled as she pinched his cheeks.

"Good boy. Now come on. Show him around, while his mother and I get to know each other more, okay?", she suggested and Jongdae nodded again.

He then looked back to Minseok and smiled brightly at him. Jongdae took his hand babbled excitedly, "Nice to meet you Minseok! I hope we will become good friends! Come on! I have to show you the playground!"

After that he practically dragged the still expressionless boy along with him.

That was the day Jongdae met Minseok. The beginning of a long lasting friendship.

And maybe even more.

That was now exactly thirteen years ago. But Jongdae still remembered every single detail of that day, like it would have happened yesterday. He looked out of the school's windows and let himself relax a bit. Smiling at the memories that ran through his head. Chuckling slightly as he got even more absorbed into them.

He sometimes still couldn't believe that he had met someone this special and unique. Minseok was really extraordinary, when it came to his behaviour. He was more the introverted type. Never mocking or boasting like many alphas normally did it. Minseok was rather calm and collected all the time and tried not to catch any attention. But it also resulted in him being a coldhearted person, because he rarely showed his feelings. The blank and kind of scary expression he had (which Jongdae found rather cute than scary) also didn't help him to get rid of that image. Minseok on the other hand never really worried about that. He was happy with the life had.

Still, there was one more negative, or positive, or funny aspect, whatever you wanted to call it, that was also caused by his behaviour. Because exactly this part of him made many girls and boys try to break through his façade. They tried to win his heart, to make him angry, sad, bugged or devastated.

Needless to say that nothing of that had actually worked and people stopped trying or fell even harder for him. So trouble was sure to follow.

And hell! How it followed. School life definitely got more interesting with the way people tried to prove each other, how strong and suitable they were for Minseok.

Jongdae tried to suppress his laughter as he thought of some really awkward and embarrassing situations. Well. At least it wouldn't get deadly boring at school, he thought, when he heard the bell ring.

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