Trekking our way through a different part of the forests that was right outside the city of Athens. Before walking any further, I noticed a fog enveloping the entirety of the forest towards the cave. Learning my lesson, I muttered a spell and the fog begun to dissipate before our eyes leaving the forest clear for us to see with the moonlight that is casting down on us, we continued to walk.

Until we made our way to a, thought to be blocked cave, but in reality the cave was wide as possible without a single rock or boulder covering the entrance. We all spared each other a look that states 'this your last chance to get out of this mess' but no one seemed to move a muscle.

Elijah went down first then Klaus, then Rebekah, and lastly me. Not because I was a coward but because I was the'asset' Klaus put in to words before we entered. Passing through the threshold was similar to passing the threshold of the other entrance. It was this immediate sense of dread and despair that wafted through the air.

We soon walked deeper into the cave to see the same Cerberus symbol adorned in serpent's blood on the wall that seems to have been moved. Then you can hear it chanting and it seems to have been more than thirty witches speaking the same incantation and when we knew where they exactly were. It was time to set our plan into action.

"I do enjoy a good seance" Klaus spoke startling most of the witches in the room or rather cave. Most of them where standing up and looking straight at him fear written in most there faces except for one, Lilth.

"Niklaus, I don't believe we have meet before but what brings you here uninvited and alone might I ask?" She taunted

"He's not alone" Elijah then told stepping out of the shadows along with Rebekah

Soon the witches started chanting spells that caused pain and aneurysm shot through their bodies making them fall to the floor clutching their heads in pain.

I soon stepped out and muttered an incantation that made the Mikaelsons stand up despite the witches best efforts in putting them down. And this is when chaos ensued, blood was every where and despite a few deaths in there seem to be more witches coming out from nowhere.

It was time to initiate part two of this plan. I sent Klaus a whistle to indicate to move out he, Elijah, and Rebekah soon made there way out the tunnels of the cave.

Once we reached the open air the real fight began. We had to try our beat to move away from the tunnels as much as possible to effectively cut them from their power source. We did expect how powerful the witches really are. Despite the hearts that were ripped from the bodies, you could see the witches were wearing the originals down and soon all of them dropped to the floor.

There was to many and too much power and it was to much for them to handle but I continued on burning some, throwing others, and just over all causing them so much pain most of them where dead. Some had snapped necks or head off their bodies despite the ferocity of how I fought, with the Mikaelsons down I was soon to follow.

Lilth came through the witches, all three Mikaelson siblings where out, snapped necks though they knew they wouldn't be out for long but just long enough for all the witches in the area to focus their magic on me rendering me to my knees. 

"You are the greatest of us but with the help of many on our side we will and only be the people who have bested you and you should be proud you will bring about the her rise" she cheered the blade I dread at hand.

But as she got closer to me I felt it a power that was inside me that just wanted to be sent out. And so I screamed and it came out like sonic waves , it throw Lilth to the trees behind her but with the scream, came an energy that knocked people who were in a twenty meter radius from me and that included a newly awoken Mikaelson siblings.

Her eyes still retained its normal orange and violet combination but what was different was a thick glowing blue line like tattoo that extended from the base of her neck towards the palms of her hands. Her body seems to be steaming and for even for a non-supernatural you could practically feel  the magic and power that was just overflowing through her.

In this moment one of the more larger men in the crowd moved to lunge at me but, like I was not in control of my own body, I was able to make a block of ice to materialize out of nowhere to serve as a shield of sorts. The man laid on the floor bloody and bruised. 

Soon the others charged at me but then I could see the lightning on the tips of my fingers and before I know it my the lightning shoot forward hitting a group of people and electrocuting them and they fell. The Mikalesons soon joined my side fighting and the witches of the Cerberus coven started falling and soon there was no one left.

"Where is Lilth?" Rebekah asked soon we four looked around to see that Lilth wasn't any of the bodies around us.

"Gone" Klaus replied bitterly but no one seemed to address the fact there were lines of glowing blue wrapping around my arms. Maybe they didn't think it was the right time or that they were scared of this new found  power.

Before anyone could do or say something I walked forwards moving my hands as if they were dancing with the air. All the bodies soon had like a white mist coming out of their eyes, mouths, and noses. This was magic in its most pure form, there were a large amount that gather into a ball and as soon as all the magic was collected from the fallen witches. 

I absorbed all the magic that was there and as soon every drop was within my body the blue lines began to quite literally burnt of my skin and the color of my eyes reverted to their normal dark brown color.

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