Debate Time

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"Alright, now that we have finished doing our formal debate unit I thought it would be a great idea to do a few informal debates in pairs. Now let's pick some pairs," Peter crossed his fingers, he definitely did not want to go up and partake in a debate. Even though it was only a few minutes long, Peter simply could not be bothered. He hoped that whoever he was paired with would at least form a few points and could make decent rebuttals. "Ned and Mj, Peter and Flash, Cindy and..."

Peter's hopes came crashing down, hard, almost as hard as the building had come down on him a few months ago. Flash grinned wickedly, strutting over to Peter's table as Ned and Mj sent him sympathetic glances from across the room. Peter knew it was his unfortunate ParkerLuckTM that was to blame.

"I'm coming around to hand out the moot for your debate, you'll have 15 minutes to do some light research before you will be called up to present your points," The teacher, Mr Maguire, stated as he handed small slips of paper to the anxious pairs. "There will also be an affirmative and a negative slip for each moot so make sure you know which one you are."

"Let's just get on with this," Peter mumbled as Mr Maguire handed Flash a small piece of paper. Of course, Peter wasn't thrilled to be working with Flash, it wasn't like Flash was bullying him or anything. He simply just liked to annoy Peter, taunting him about the 'fake' stark industries internship.

"We're affirmative," Flash stated as he pushed all animosity to the side, "Spiderman, Queens web-slinging vigilante, does more harm than good." Peter's head whipped around to read the moot for himself and he almost groaned at the mere thought of having to prove that he was a menace. Of course, it wouldn't be too hard to research since several news sites were not fans of him. In fact, Peter didn't even need to research but he decided it would be a good choice regardless.

It only felt like a few minutes later when the teacher had called the first debate up, 'People who post dead memes should get their accounts deactivated'. Thankfully, Peter and Flash were not choosen to go and they simply sat back, shuffling through their pile of paper notes. Flash had made several jibes about how 'he should be an expert at this since he was best-friends with Spiderman.' Peter simply shrugged it off as he wrote fact after fact, point after point and added it to the pile.

"We've got time for one more, this debate is: Spiderman, Queens web-slinging vigilante, does more harm than good. Could both pairs please come up, as usual, affirmative will start," Ned held back a laugh as he watched Peter trudge up to the debate platform set up, Flash alongside him. That was until Mj reminded him that it was their moot too so they quickly joined the pair at the front of the class.

'Just my luck, paired up with Flash, a Spiderman moot, and against Ned and Mj?'  Peter thought to himself as he scowled.

"All of the avengers have been held accountable for their actions, destroying the streets of New York city, blowing up buildings, and so forth. Why should Spiderman be any different? He has not been held accountable for interferring with the New York Police Department, holding people hostage in the streets under layers of webs: these acts are illegal and interupts the flow of Queens Police Department. Spiderman is a menace," Flash's speech was incredibly short yet thought out, Peter and Flash had spent the last few minutes drafting a perfect opening to the debate and the class applauded happily in response.

"100s of crimes happen every single night, Spiderman has essentially become a part of the New York Police Department who has the ability to spread himself across Queens more effectively than Policemen can. To rebut Flash's point, would you rather a few destroyed city streets or the death of a country? Spiderman has stopped over 1000s of crimes and has made a name for himself. Without Spiderman, villans like the vulture will still be prowling the streets. Without Spiderman, the academic decathlon team would have died. Spiderman is no menace, he lends help to the citizens of Queens," Mj returbed to Ned as Flash and Peter quicjly conversed.

Spiderman Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें