Your here!

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Just as I reached where I'd left my sisters I heard four people giggling. Four, their should only be three. "Dray is going to be so excited when she sees you!" Lily said between laughs. As happy as I was to hear Lily happy I was also super confused. I the rounded the corner and froze cause all the guys to bash into me making us fall but I still didn't bat and eyelash my eyes latched onto the girl beside Lily. She was standing with her hand on her hip and a smug, teasing smile playing in her lips, she had long blonde hair that sat just under her breasts, plus she had large, brown, oval eyes framed by big but pretty glasses. the clothes she wore screamed bookworm but in a cute way.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed at the boys who were still lying on and around me. They quickly scrambled, or well rolled away from me making the beautiful girl laugh. That's when I noticed Remus looking at her in wonder but I just shrugged it off as he was curious. Without the weight of the guys I pushed myself and ran towards the girl.

"CAMI!!!" I couldn't help but squeal.

"BABE!!!" She screamed using her nickname for me. I launched myself into her arms for a tight hug but it resulted in us both lying in the grass laughing our heads off.

"Sky, you going to introduce us to your friend?" Remus asked not talking his eyes off her and I noticed she blushed, I just shook it off figuring he was curious and she was finding his stare awkward.

"Sure, Cami meet the boys, James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black. Guys meet Cameron aka Cami."

"What are you doing here!?" I continued not giving the boys a chance to say hello.

"I transfered, duh! It was unbearable back at Beauxbaton with all the stuck up snobs!" I giggled at her. "I've missed you so much!" she squealed.

"Feelings mutual, Sexy." We always called each other Babe or Sexy.

"Uhh? What's with the nicknames, are you, um bi, D?" Cami and I began to laugh so hard we fell, the guys were still staring at us like we were insane, Lily, Nat, and Rose were using each other for support as the were doubled over with laughter.

"N-No!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk. I noticed Remus had his eyes back on me and they were shinning with laughter. Remus held his hand up to me and I stood back up, we didn't drop hands though which was nice."We started  calling each other Sex and Babe when we decided guys were jerks so we would make them think we were les."

"God, my girlfriend is weird..." Remus trailled off and my cheeks went red.

"YOUR WHAT!?!?!?!" Came the voices of three very upset girls.

"Don't get made he litteraly just asked me out." That calmed all four down and I decided to change the topic. "Do you remember Cami no matter how much we tried to get guys to leave us alone they would always come up to us because you were beautiful. "

Suddenly Cami's smile dropped and she looked at me like I was crazy. "You don't honestly... Oh my god, they would come over to talk to you but chicken and talked to me instead, over half my conversations with boys were about you and even more after we had flirted would ask for your number. Don't worry I never gave it out." Now it was my turn to look at her in disbelief.

"They were probably just didn't know what to talk to you about and would chicken from asking your number and ask mine instead, I mean you're the way prettier of the two of us." I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes, just as she opened her mouth to start the all to fimilair agruement Remus said something that struck my heart.

"She's right." Remus said agreeing with me. It felt like a dagger in the heart and all my sisters looked at him in shock, Peter looked confused as always, James looked livid and Sirius was watching me to make sure I was okay but I could tell he was mad as Remus. The Cami had to go and make everything worse.

"Thank you thats really sweet but Dray's way prettier." I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth but was cut of by Remus stabbing another dagger in my heart.

"No, you're really gorgeuos." He was hipmotized by her like so many guys I had liked had been. I gently took my hand from his, he didn't even notice.

"You're so sweet." Everyone looked confused as to why my boyfriend and best friend were flirting, and right in front of me. I think Cami may have changed and not for the better.

"I'm gonna go." Remus just nodded but Cami turned and asked me why. "I, uhh.. um.. I have to got see Lucy and Cissy?" I hated lying and was therefor very bad at it. Cami nodded before giggling at something Remus said. 

"We'll come with you." James said heading towards my Sirius and Peter in tow, My sisters nodded in agreement and everyone followed me. Once we were out of hearing range I turned to look back and saw they were even closer than when we left.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked, I wanted to scream no but I didn't want a drift to form between Remus and his friends because of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I mean we're hardly even dating and we never said we would be exclusive. Just does someone mind watching them and letting me know if they kiss or anything, you know so I know to end it if they go very far.I promised Lucy and Cissy I would spend time with them so I'll see you all later okay?" they all nodded, everyone besides Peter hugged me and it was getting harder not to cry. I gave them a tight smile and walked off. I didn't go find Lucy and Cissy like I said instead I went somewhere I knew I could be alone. I appraoched the whomping willow and it lifted my up into it's top and blocking both from veiw and frmo falling to the ground. I pulled Nagini out of my pocket and put her next to me.

"You can cry now, were all alone." She hissed gently seeing through my facade of okayness.

"I just can't believe after everything we have in common and we've been super close for a month now, he would ignore 5 minutes after asking me out.... It hurts Nagini, why does it hurt so much he was hardly my boyfriend!" I hissed back now sobbing.

"Because you love him, you aren't in love with him yet but you do love him as a best friend and protector." I nodded thankful to have an explanation.

Flower (Marauders Era and Voldemort)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt