- Fire

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    Tale of the Fire...

I knocked on the door of the old cottage, waiting for her. After a good five minutes, I could hear her tell me to come in.

"Ah you've come again."

"Yes, I'd like another tale, pleasee."

"Come in, " She said, walking slowly back to her chair.

"I know that much," The old woman added, and began to spin another tale for me.

"The was once an elemental, a powerful fire elf. ... new to his intense powers, working on a fire-ball spell." She paused a moment, then leaned forward.

"The elf couldn't get the fireball to ignite, filling him with frustration and anger." She said, stopping to breathe a moment as I listened to what sounded to be another impressive tale.

"Focusing all of his anger and rage, more than he could control; causing a multi-dimensional ball of flames.. It hit other dimensions.. On earth it caused the Great Chicago Fire."

She leaned back in the chair, went quiet, signaling the end of another impressive tale. 

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