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Jackson Teller sat on the roof that overlooked TM and the clubhouse with a signature cigarette between his lips

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Jackson Teller sat on the roof that overlooked TM and the clubhouse with a signature cigarette between his lips. He stared off into space in thought. Maybe this was karma bitting him in the ass? Maybe this was God's way of punishing him for his sins? Maybe... if he even believed in a God. As the years passed by, he had less and less faith in the mythical man in the sky who granted wishes and brought peace to the world. Why wasn't his prayers heard? Why weren't his questions answered? All he wanted in this whole world was his little girl. He wanted his daughter back, his life back, more than anything. Why did this have to happen to him? Why did this have to happen to Tara? It didn't make sense. None of it made any sense.

7 years ago, his daughter walked to the front of the school, waiting for her parents to pick her up, and vanished into thin air. He couldn't count the number of times he watched the last known footage of his daughter alive. He replayed the horrible quailty school security camera footage and looked for any kind of clues... any kind of signs. Nothing. No kids, parents, or school staff saw anything. Jax could still remember the panic he and Tara felt as the police waited for them to arrive at the elementary school. They weren't late to pick her up, they never were, but Jax and Tara would forever blame themselves for not arriving to the school just a few minutes earlier that day.

Charming police held search party after search party while the Sons of Anarchy had their own little search party. Hell, the Mayans even helped look for his kid. His daughter's face was plastered all over the town, the newspaper, and the local news channel the following year. Jax and Tara spread flyers all over town, they paid for a billboard near the highway, and they drove hours and hours away... looking. The went from state to state, as many as they could, before they were left heartbroken and completely broke. Charming police had no case, no leads, and Ellie Teller was added to the long heartbreaking list of missing children. Every SAMCRO lead came back to another devastating dead end. This tragedy wasn't linked to Jax, or the MC, it was just that: a tragedy. It could've happened to anyone that day and it happened to his family.

They didn't want to give up hope, or assume the worst, but it was hard keeping an open mind as the days dragged by. Every few weeks, when he had the chance, Jax would head to other charters and spread more flyers. All of his brothers, from every charter, kept their eye out for the missing girl from Charming, California. Tara and Jax's hearts broke even more when the news aired a progression photo of what little Ellie Teller might look like present day on the 5th anniversary of her dissapearance.

Jax and Tara's relationship fell apart as did their marriage. Jax wasn't shocked when Tara filed for divorce and planned to leave Charming like she threatened to do many times before. She went off to college to move on with her life while Jax sulked in the past and lost himself. After losing his daughter, and then his wife, Jackson Teller was a different man. He was a completely and utterly broken man. He had no regrets, no remorse, he killed more, he drank more, and he cheated on his new junkie wife, Wendy, too many times to count. He started fights any chance he got and he quit putting up with his President's shit. The relationship between him and Clay was as rocky as ever. The only thing that kept Clay from putting a bullet through his stepson's head was the Queen Bee herself. Gemma was angry at everything lately. She wanted her son to quit this destructive path he had been on since his daughter dissapeared, she wanted him to get along with his stepdad, and she wanted her granddaughter back.

She was pissed when Tara divorced Jax and split to medical school. She believed that Wendy was no good for her boy. She just wanted everything to be a little less tense.

~ SOA ~ SOA ~

Tara traced the framed photo of her baby girl. A faint smile crossed her lips before the familiar lump in her throat and the tightening in her chest begin. She fought back tears as she stared at the beautiful, innocent little girl in the photo. She would be 13 years old today. She was 6 years old when she went missing. In 1995, at the age of 17, she never expected to be a teenage mother. And Jax never dreamed of being a teenage father. Jax dropped out of highschool while Tara struggled her way to graduation with a newborn. As new teenage parents, they were both a little too immature to raise a child, and often passed her off to her grandparents while they partied and did other illegal activities together.

Tara remembers the crazy year in 1996, while their daughter was only a year old, when she and Jax got arrested three times. The state threatened to take their child away and it, as well as Gemma, made them clean up their acts for the sake of their daughter. Once the teenager rebellion shit was out of their system, they tied the knot and played house. The highschool sweethearts lives came crashing down that day in 2001 and the damaged it caused cannot be repaired.

Tara felt a little of herself die that day. She felt guilty for wishing her daughter was dead so that maybe she would be at peace and in a better place. Tara didn't want to believe the type of pain her daughter could be going through. She refused to believe that was her fate. She knew Jax had hope, but soon enough, he would understand why Tara had to leave Charming. One day, he'd understand.

~ SOA ~ SOA ~

When Jax recieved a phone call asking if he knew of a family member related to Ellie Teller one random day, he wanted to smash his phone into a million pieces. He suspected it to be another heartless prank phone call from some punk teenagers, but felt his heart drop into his stomach as the man revealed himself and his location at a police department in Washington. The next words that he spoke made his heart pound, his breathing stop, and the world start to spin: "Sir, we found your daughter. Ellie Teller is alive."

Opie watched his best friend stop pacing in the lot, his face turn as white as a ghost, and before he knew it, he was running towards Jax as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body went limp, crashing down into the concrete.

"Jax! Jax!" His screams caused more attention from the fellow bikers who all raced out of the clubhouse and surrounded the unconscious man.

"What happened?!" Gemma was by her son's side as she tried to shake him awake, "Jax! Baby, wake up! Jax!"

"He was taking a phone call and fell to the ground like a ton of bricks," Opie explained as he picked up the phone, "Hello? Hello?!"

Everyone watched as Opie gasped and snapped the phone shut, his voice barely a whisper, "Holy fuck. They found Ellie."

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