Chapter 1 hopes pov

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"Wake up time for your first day at your new school!", I herd my mom say from down stairs as I just started to open my eyes." K,mom I'll be down in 10." I said as I got out of my bed. I walked over to my mirror to look at my self. I thought I was pretty but not drop dead gorgeous with my long tan legs,long wavy brown hair,and deep almost navy blue eyes. It was going to be my first day at my new school I am 18 and a senior so I wasn't worried about being picked on by older kids. so I put on some shorts with a blue tank that brings out my eyes. I also but on a little bit of make up because I like my natural look better. With that I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door to my black f-250 4x4 truck and hopped in turned the key and drove off.

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