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The rest of that night was so awkward, but I had to do my best to make it seem like it wasn't to Alanna.

Who's thirsty ass was all about him 🙄

He presented himself as a 23 year old artist/musician, which I have to say, he pulled it off pretty damn well. Spending time with him, though... I enjoyed it. The shittiest part about it is that I know he's more than likely manipulating me. I'm fully aware of it, and yet I keep getting drawn in.

Theres just something about him...

"You know something?" He asked as we strolled towards the train that night


"I think if I was human, you'd be hella into me."

"Oh, you think so?" I laughed

"I do." He smiled

I'm talking to him so freely. I don't know if talking to him in human form counts against me as much as talking to him in his demon form.

I'm just monumentally fucking myself every step of the way, aren't I?

I had pretty much decided that there was no way around it—he's good looking. Very. His eyes, his jawline, his body...

"How long can you stay like this?" I asked, curious about his human form

He glanced at the audacious black watch on his wrist.

"About another hour." He asked "Why? You finna take advantage of me?"

"Hardly, nigga."

We boarded the quiet train. He sat beside me, I could feel him gazing at me as we sped off beneath the city streets.

"What..?" I asked after a few minutes

"I'm admiring. I told you, you're pretty nice looking for a human."

I looked away from him bashfully. My curiosity was getting the best of me. If he was gonna stick around, I at least wanted to know some more about him.

"Jahseh... who are you? Or—who were you?"

"I don't think I was never anyone. Just a demon through and through." He shrugged "I don't think about it too much."

"How old are you?"

He leaned back in the seat and looked up

"I guess I've been wandering around this dimension for like... close to 300 years, maybe?"


"Why do you care?" He asked, raising an eyebrow

"Well, you barged in on my life. Might as well learn something about you." I shrugged "I still don't really understand what your goal is here. You're not particularly acting very demon-like."

The Demon in My Room (PERMANENT HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now