the "i" in lie

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It was electric from the moment they crossed paths...

Actively attracted but attempting to walk past...

Temptation makes impatient impulses pump through married men.

So, just stop...


Count to three...

Is she worth it?

It started on a Friday night, after a long day of trying to interview a serial killer the BAU had caught a year before.

It was uneventful. Despite mine and Dr. Reid's efforts, the man would not talk.

Before that night, there'd always been a flame. Some sort of electricity that drew the two of us together. Neither of us ever dared to act on it. He's married to a lovely girl. A pretty genius named Tessa.

The two of us pull up to a hotel, looking to book rooms for the night and catch the next plane back to D.C. in the morning.

Unfortunately, though, the hotel was booked up except for one room with a double bed.

Hesitantly, we took it. Only because both of us were too tired to keep driving to the next closest hotel.

When I open up the door after struggling with the key card for a good minute, I throw my bag on the floor and let out a groan.

"I can't believe we wasted all day on that guy and he gave us nothing," I sigh, kicking off my shoes.

Spencer walks past me, nodding his head. "What a waste of time,"

My phone rings from inside my pocket, making Spencer turn to look at me as I fish it out.

Ryan's name flashes across my screen. My boyfriend of a little over two months.

"Hi!" I say happily as I answer the phone. It'll be so great to talk to him after the horrible day I've had.

"We need to talk," Ryan's voice swims through my ear as I take a seat at the end of the bed.

"What? What do you mean?"

The smile on my face fades away quickly and I feel myself getting anxious. What the fuck do we need to talk about?

"Y/N, you've've let yourself go since we started dating."

Am I hearing this right?

"Sorry, what?" I laugh out in disbelief. "I don't understand..."

"You gained quite a bit of weight. I didn't wanna be an asshole, but... you're getting fat. You look gross and I can't date a fat chick."

"Oh? So that's that, huh? Well, great. Thanks," I feel the tears building up in my eyes as I press the 'end call' button.

'Quite a bit of weight', huh? Sure, twelve pounds is 'quite a bit'. What the fuck?

I toss my phone aside on the bed before grabbing my bag and heading to the bathroom. I walk right past Spencer, even though he tries to get my attention.

I cry like a baby as I change into a tank top and some shorts to sleep in. Twelve fucking pounds. If I hadn't have gained twelve fucking pounds, this wouldn't have happened. Fat...ugly ass. Just as I was before I gained the twelve pounds. This is just confirming it.

When I open the bathroom door, Spencer is standing with his back against the wall in front of it. Concern laces his features when he sees me.

"Y/N, what happened?" He asks, following me to the bed.

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