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" Bey ! " Someone yelled behind me.

I turned around and saw my little sister practically running to me, with my kids in her arms. Blue painfully tried to match the pace, but it was funny to see how tiny she looked near Solange. Solange stopped her course once she saw the figure next to me, her eyes wide opened.

" Solo. " Onika said, nodding.

Yes, Onika finally came along with me. I didn't know why, but I thought it was Ms Carol that told her to come. I didn't complain, and she didn't either, shocking both of me and my mother.

" Nicki. " Solange replied, walking slowly to us.

I ignored the tension between them two as I took my kids in my arms. I missed them, to be honest. I hoped there wouldn't be no times like this again, so I could totally be devoted to my mini-mes. I kissed the twins multiple times on their cheeks making them giggle. I smiled at Blue and adjusted myself at her height.

" Hey miss Blue Blue. " I said.

She smiled and hugged me. " Hey mommy, I missed you. "

" Aww. " I cooed. " I missed you too my baby. "

Solange cleared her throat, cutting short the cute mother-daughter moment. I rolled my eyes and stood up right to face her. " What now ? "

" Nothing, I'm just so happy you took your kids back, they're such a pain in the a—butt. " She quickly corrected herself.

I side-eyed her. " Don't talk about my kids like that Sol. Especially not in front of them. "

" Girl, " she started again while we walked into the big mall we reserved for today. " I love them but they can be annoying sometimes. I'll never keep them that long again. Julez is enough pain for me. "

I playfully rolled my eyes and hit her in the arm making Onika giggle. I looked at a amused Onika, and instantly smiled at her. She was so beautiful, her dimples showed effortlessly, while she covered her mouth with her hand. I wanted to kiss her, right here, right now, but I couldn't do it. Not in front of my children, and not in front of the world.

You may ask yourself why, well because first I was still married, and I didn't want my children to be confused about their mother love life. Even if the twins weren't that old to understand, Blue sure was. And she was a daddy's girl, just like me when I was a child. But thanks to God her father wasn't like mine and adored her to death. And second, because it took me so long to be Beyoncé, I couldn't just deceive my fans like that, I couldn't let my reputation go into flames just because of the passion, of lust and of desire.

Speaking of my husband, I didn't get any texts or calls from him since this morning, and it was weird. Shawn always called or sent messages to me, when he wanted to know how I was doing. Maybe he started seeing someone else, again. Or maybe he was just sleeping, but it'd surprise me; he never sleeps that long. I decided to not jump into conclusions..

" Sol ? " I asked keeping an eye on Blue playing.

She stopped talking with Onika and they both looked at me. " Mhm ? "

" Did you have a call from Shawn today ? "

She frowned and shook her head. " No. I thought it was weird though, because yesterday he couldn't spend an hour before calling for the little monsters. "

" That's weird. " I said. " He didn't call me neither, maybe I should call him. "

" Oooor, " Onika interrupted. " Maybe you should let him live his life. He could be in a meeting with a new artist or eventually spending time with his friends like you're doing right now. "

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