"It was Joey, he said to make sure I was ready by 7 in the morning" she said. " 7 in the morning? That's earlier than usual" he said and groaned. " It's not so bad, and besides the morning is beautiful especially when it's so early" she assured him and he smiled. "Well at least,I'll know your eyes in the morning sun" he said and Ava chuckled at his Bee Gees song reference. "You're such a dork but that was very cute and for that you deserve this" she said and leaned in to give him a soft peck that sent butterflies to his stomach.

They walked over to the small storage room in the back of the house and found a small luggage bag to pack her items. "Come in, just sit on the bed" she instructed and he obliged. Jordan was like a curious boy, as he looked around the room, finding interest in some of the things that her room contained. The small books on her desk, the small wooden chest that had a floral design, a small shelf full of novels, a couple of mugs sitting on the window pane and her small collection of stuffed animals. But he noticed that there were no pictures or portraits on her walls or even on her beside table. "Having fun?" She teased as she opened the luggage bag. Jordan smiled and turned to look at her. While he was too busy analyzing Ava's room, he hadn't noticed that Ava went barefaced and was now in her nightwear. She looked stunning in his eyes. More beautiful than he could ever see her as this was her, with her soft skin and caramel colored eyes that didn't need to be emphasized by black eyeliner and what not.
"Wow" he said as he marveled her and she gave him a weird look but chuckled in the process. "What? Have you never seen a baked potato without its toppings?" she teased and he shook his head. Jordan couldn't help but burst out laughing and Ava laughed too. "What? Oh my gosh baby, the things you say" he says as he tries to control his laughter. " See? I can do it all" Ava says as she begins to open the drawers. "But baby you're not a potato" he says and she almost loses it there. " Jordan it's a joke, I was trying to be funny and it worked didn't it" she assured him. "And besides potatoes aren't bad are they?". He shook his head not knowing where this was going. "But a little bit of topping adds the flavor it needs right?" He nods. "Well that's what makeup does for me, I wear it to decorate my face, a potato tastes good with all that topping so that means.." she says but cuts herself off. " You taste good too?" He says nonchalantly and she goes bashful. Ava knew very well about the birds and the bees, and everything in between. "I'm kidding, but I'm assuming that's what you were going to say" he explains with nervous chuckle.
"Baby can I ask you something?" Jordan says smoothly transitioning the conversation. "Yes?" She says as she pulls out a pair of sweatpants from her drawer. "How come you don't have any pictures in your room?" He asks as he gestured to the wall.
"Actually anywhere in here" he adds. "Oh umm, I don't like to see them" she admits as she grows timid. "Why not?" He questions in a soft voice. "They remind me of times I'll never get back and times I'll probably never forget" she said. " But they're memories baby, don't you want to remember at least the good old times?" He says as she continued to organize her clothes. " There aren't many to remember " she responds as the room grew silent. "I'm sorry I asked" Jordan says as he gets up from the bed and walks over to her. " Don't be, I like that you ask the questions that nobody has ever bothered to ask me" she says and leans back against his chest. "Why has nobody asked baby?" He said as he briefly kissed her head. "I don't know, because they don't care or don't see anything wrong with it I guess" she said and shrugged. " Well you got me now. And I'm not going anywhere" he whispered in her ear. Ava shuddered a bit and smiled. "Thank you Jordan".

Jordan informed her on what clothing was very much needed as well as how much of it was needed. It was almost midnight as they were close to finishing as Jordan was already fluttering his eyes close. " Already tired and all you did was talk" she teased as she zipped up the bag. "Mmm" Jordan murmured as he was falling in and out of sleep currently lying on his stomach across her bed. Ava placed her bag on the floor and kneeled down in front of where his face was. His eyes were already fluttered shut, mouth slightly parted and his arm was neatly tucked under his cheek. Ava found him so soft and adorable. She couldn't help but run her hand through his hair, slightly awakening him in the process. "W-what time is it?"He asked as he slowly had opened his eyes. "Almost 1 in the morning" she answered and he immediately got up. "What's wrong?" She questioned as she noticed his nervous state. "Your mom is gonna be mad" he assumed." No she's not, I already called her and told her that you're here" she assured him. "What did she say?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes like a toddler who is ready for bed. "She said it's ok that you're staying with me for tonight because she would've been uneasy if she knew I was alone". "Oh okay then, where would I sleep, on the floor or on the couch?" He responded. "On the bed, that sounds comfortable don't you think?" she said and smiled. "Are you ok with that though?" He asked and she nodded. "I trust you" Ava assured him.

"I'm gonna go get you a toothbrush so you can brush your teeth after I brush mine" She informed him and disappeared into the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later and handed him the small item. While Jordan was busy taking care of his night routine, Ava had checked all the doors and fixed the bed as well as got under the covers. She had scoot over to one side so that Jordan could have his own. Ava waited patiently for him to return but could find herself falling in and out of sleep. The sound of the door closing woke her up. "Oh sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you" he whispered but she only shook her head. "I forgot to set up the alarm for tomorrow, I didn't ask have you packed your things already?" She said as she tinkled with the small clock on her bedside table. "I did, it's at Donnie's place, we usually bring everything there in advance to make sure we don't forget anything" he explained and she nodded. "That's very smart of you guys". Jordan stood there awkwardly fully clothed. He was currently wearing a white hoodie and jeans along with classic adidas. " Umm you can make yourself comfortable" she says as she gestured to his clothing. "Oh right" he said before pulling the hoodie over his head, giving Ava a quick look at his toned stomach and felt a small blush creeping on her face. Jordan sighed as he finally pulled it off and folded it neatly before placing it on the bedside table. Ava watched as he finally slipped off his shoes and gentle lifted the duvet. She could feel her the weight of the bed shift and an immense peace. Jordan's presence made her feel very relaxed, she lied facing the other way as she heard him trying to get comfortable. He seemed to be radiating heat as she remained awake for a few minutes and noticed how close he was to her.
Ava slowly turned around and her heart clenched at the sight. Jordan had fallen sound asleep, with one arm folded behind his head and the other rested on his stomach. She had turned off the lights and marveled at how alluring he looked with the moonlight peering through the window. However, Ava shifted enough for Jordan to wake up and when he spoke, she nearly jolted. "Baby are you not sleepy?" He said in a groggy voice as his eyes stayed closed. "Oh my gosh Jordan you scared me" she said as she placed her hand in her chest. " You didn't answer my question" he resumed. "I'm a little sleepy" she admitted as she lied on her back.

In all honesty, Ava wanted to lie her head on his chest and feel his heartbeat under her cheek. Jordan looked so endearing right, she felt a strong pull towards him. Nothing made her heart warm more than seeing those dreamy eyes flutter in and out of sleep. She couldn't wrap around her head how he came into her life. "Are you cold or somethin'?" He speaks once more. "Something like that" she says casually. " Jordan?" She adds. "Yeah ?" He responds.
" Can I.." Ava paused for a moment. "Can you what?" He asks as his eyes opened and he watched her curiously. " Cuddle with you" she says and he smiles. "Course you can baby, why didn't you just say anything before, I was leaving all alone over there" he says as she bashfully moves closer to him. Jordan patiently waits for her until they were now only inches apart , he watches her in silence, letting her decide the way she wished to be held tonight. He beamed a heartfelt smile as Ava settles her head on his chest and tucks her hand under her cheek. Feeling every beat of his heart, she felt herself being lulled to sleep. Jordan don't know where his boundaries were so he started off by softly grazing her head with his hand. Ava smiled, nuzzling closer and closer to the point where she was almost under his chin. "Goodnight baby" He whispered before kissing her head, both eventually dozing off into a deep slumber.

Lots of sweetness 💓

Up next.. the camping trip ⛺️

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