Chapter III

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I nodded vaguely in his direction as I pulled myself back into the warmth of my bedroom. I quickly put on a pair of my jeans which were probably too tight to be running down the stairs in but it's all I had. I threw on my converse and a t shirt and grabbed my leather jacket before rushing out the door and slamming it behind me. As I sprinted down the old wooden stair case the creeks and groans of the 20 year old wood was probably audible outside. I made a mental note to have it redone. My mind continued to race as I pushed the front door open I saw Alex standing at the bottom of the front steps motionless. I noticed that his bald head was paler than I remember from seeing it through my bedroom window upstairs. He motioned me towards the black car parked in the street. I walked towards it and realized that the window tints were completely blacked out.

As I opened the passenger door, I asked myself what the hell I was doing. The mysterious bald man stared at me with a frustrated look on his face and said, "Bobby we don't have much time, please get in the car". I looked back at him getting annoyed at the amount of information I was getting, or the lack there of. "how do you know Bella?" I asked him. "everything will be explained to you once we reach the safe house" he replied evenly. "why do we need a safe house?" I asked him with a hint of nervousness in my voice. I heard blaring sirens in the distance, as police cars skidded around the intersection. "you don't want to be with them Bobby, trust me. They think you're involved with what Bella did". He told me in a monotone voice. "no, I didn't do anything, I'll just tell them what I know and that's it." I replied, feeling as though I had won a hard fought argument.

The bald man named Alex frowned slightly at my words, then looked up at me and said "I'm sorry Robert, but that's not an option". Before I could protest to him using my full name and very hard object stuck the back of my head. As I fell forward onto the hood of the car, I was seeing double and the last thing I saw before the lights went out was the Cadillac symbol on the front of the car.

I finally awoke and felt my head throbbing. I was laying down on a soft suede couch and was staring up at a plain white ceiling. I tried to sit up but I felt a firm hand on my shoulder push me back down, and then a soft, soothing voice told me "lay Back down honey, you're gonna fall". My eyes widened and I turned around as quickly as I could, "Bella!?" I exclaimed with both happiness and anger. But nobody was there. I frowned feeling disappointed. I missed her a lot but I refused to think about it, instead I decided that I needed to get up and find out what happened and where I was.

I stood up slowly and felt my hair fall down to my shoulders and back and wondered why my hair wasn't tied in a ponytail. "you know I don't like it when you tie it back, baby" the soft voice said to me, I spun quickly but saw no one. I cursed at myself for thinking too much about her, I felt like i was going crazy. I walked slowly towards a plastered hallway with a door on each side.

"left" the soft voice echoed in my head, sending chills up my spine. I didn't fight the voice or look for it's source, I trusted and loved her with all of my soul, and so I went into the room on the left. As the door swung open the room was dark. The cold air from the open window blew by me as I entered the room. "go, my love. The far corner to the right, check the nightstand" her voice made me shiver as it echoed in my head but I followed her instructions anyway. The mahogany night table looked expensive and extremely out of place in this modest 1 floor, 3 room house.

I opened the drawer in the night table and rummaged through it finding nothing of immediate importance until I felt something cold. I pulled the hard metal piece out of the drawer and felt shocked as i looked at a colt 45 caliber pistol. "what do you think you're doing, gorgeous?" a cold but feminine voice said from behind me. I spun quickly holding the gun up. "come on babe, you know you're not gonna do it" She baited me as she slowly strutted towards me, she wore an entire leather suit that tightly wrapped around her gorgeous curves. Her curly brown hair that matched mine fell to the middle of her back and I caught myself staring for too long and not noticing that she was right in front of me now. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating as she brushed her plump red lips to mine and grinned as she took the gun out of my hand without protest from me. Before I knew what hit me she swung around and kicked me in the head and I fell to the ground. "I'm Brooke, by the way" she smiled down at me and then I was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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