Field Trip! p18- a day in the city of love~❤p2

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A/N- I got a lot of positivity yesterday and today about these past few chapters, and I just wanted to say that it really makes my day when someone leaves a nice comment! It makes me happy to be a writer! ❤❤❤
Also, thank you to FLOOFANUMATIONS for leaving a nice comment on last chapter! Hope you like this one! ❤👌☺

Also, I totally forgot to mention, I made a kiribaku short story! It's rly good, and I would appreciate it you read it! It's filled with amazing music (some of my favorites) to go along with a cute and interesting story I thought it! 😂🦐❤☺ so plz go check it out! ❤❤❤

Third person POV
As soon as the three boys walked out of the jewelry store, Kat's phone started ringing. They began walking down the sidewalk as he dug in his pocket for his phone. It was eijirou. He answered it, "hello?" Kat said. "Hey babe, whatcha doin?" Kiri asked. "Hey, We're just coming back from what we had to do, where are you guys?"Kat asked. " Oh, we're at some clothes store trying to find Mina, tooru said she got lost in the store, haha!"Kiri replied. Kat chuckled. "Well alright, what store, it's almost 6:00." Kat asked. "Um JCPenney I think, it's right down the street from where we separated earlier!" Kiri said. "Ok, we're coming. See ya in a minute." Kat said. "Alright, love ya baby!" Eiji said. Kat smiled. "Love ya more, beautiful.." He said and hung up. "Love ya more, beautiful! Haha your so sappy!" Hanta teased. "Shut the hell up ya damn tape dispenser! You always say sappy mushy shit to denki, so don't even go there!" Kat hissed. "Whatever, where are they?" Hanta asked. "Their at JCPenney or somethin, trying to find Mina. She must've went shopping crazy or somethin, idk." Kat replied. It was about two blocks away from where they currently were. "Shit, what about the bags?! The have the jewelry stores name on the front, they'll know!" Hanta said. "Dammit, I didn't think about that.. Hmm.." Kat said. "Take the boxes out, turn the bag inside out, and put them back in. The inside is blank white, it should work for now." Shoto said. "Good idea, icy hot." Kat mumbled as he stopped next to a bench. They took the boxes out and set them in front of them, making sure they don't mix them up. They turned the bags inside out. "Hey, what did you guys pick anyway? We haven't got to look at each others!" Hanta asked. They showed each other the rings. "Wow, those are super pretty, guys!" Hanta said. "Yours too. Perfect for denki." Shoto smiled. "Yeah whatever," Kat mumbled as he stuffed them into the inside out bag. Once they had set the boxes in the bags, they checked to make sure you couldn't see the logo through it. "Looks good! Good thinkin, shoto!" Sero said. "Thanks. Let's go help them now." He replied.

~~~time skip bc I'm lazy lololol~~~

The three boys made it to the store that Kiri said they were in. It was a bit bigger than the rest of the stores. They walked in and didn't see anyone they recognized yet. "Where are they?" Kat asked in a whisper as he searched the store from the doorway. The other two shrugged as they too searched. "Oh! There's Midoriya!" Hanta said and pointed to the other side of the store. Shoto immediately shot his head towards the spot he was pointing to. They saw deck standing next to a rack of clothes. He was talking and waving his arms a little in front of him. They didn't see anyone else because of another clothes rack in their way. They started walking to him and more people came into view. Izuku turned around when he heard footsteps behind him. "Sho-chan!" He said happily. Shoto smiled as he approached him. "Yay! There they are! Where were you guys?" Denki asked as he hugged hanta. "Issa surprise for later!" Hanta said. Denki groaned. "I'm curious thooo!" He said. "Too bad, dunce face!" Kat hissed, wrapping his arm around kiri's neck, and Kiri wrapped both of his arms around Kat's waist. "So what's goin on with Mina?" Hanta asked tooru. "I don't know, we walked into this store and I haven't seen her since! She's still here somewhere, but you know Mina, she gets pretty crazy sometimes!" The pair of clothes laughed. Then they heard footsteps, running. "I'm back hoes!" Mina screamed as she jumped on katsuki's back. "FUCK PINKY GET OFF!" Kat yelled as his arm left kiri's neck to pry her off. "What are you on right now?!" Kat said once he pulled her off. "I don't know! I love shopping! I went and sat in the changing rooms for a few minutes!" She said. "You were changing?" Tooru asked. "Nah, I was saying hello to the people that we're changing. They just yelled at me.." Mina said, disappointed. The group laughed. "Welp, it's 6:00, what should we do for the last half hour? It's starting to get dark." Denki said as he looked at his phone. "Let's started heading back in the direction we came so we don't get lost! That way, we'll be close to the area and it'll be almost time fo-" "Shut the hell up deku!" Kat interrupted izuku, irritated. "Be nice, Kat! He's right, we should apart heading back!" Eiji said. Then they all walked out if the store. "Ok so I think it's just straight down this way, right?" Kiri asked. They nodded.

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