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They stream down your face often or rarely. The question is what emotions register when the tear falls. Sadness, pain, anger, frustration, love, happiness, joy, so much more to explain the trails of wet patches that slide down my cheeks. But what is the emotion most registered to your head, is it frustration, sadness, joy which is it? Is it you screaming at the top of your lung in anger as you fight with someone you thought you once loved? Is it the frustration that builds up when they just do not seem to get it? Is it the sadness from the loss of your closest friend? Or is it the joy of a child being born? When you see pain does it register that losing someone feels so painful it is like getting your heart ripped out and stomped on? Can pain be sadness and sadness be the pain? Can pain be the frustration in your heart as you see one race treat another like crap? How do we define the tears that stream down our face leaving little rivers that glisten in the light.

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