Chapter 26

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Guys I am so so so so so so so so so sorry. College has been hectic, but I know that's no excuse for not updating for literally like 5 months. I said I didn't want to become one of those people, and that's exactly what I did. I promise though, I'm going to try and get better at updating. Well, I definitely won't take another 5 months, that's for sure.

***Clara's POV***


What the hell is he doing here?

"Clara..." he whispers back.

"Uhm..." I hear a throat clear and look to my left to see Isaac staring back and forth between Jesse and I.

"What's going on? You know him?" Isaac asks me. I look back over at Jesse and scan over his frame. He's exactly how I remember him, minus the dirt and blood all over his body.

"Yeah..." I trail off uncertainly. Do I still know him though? Apparently not, if he's here, covered in dirt and blood.

He stands up and slowly walks up to the cell bars.

"You've changed," is the first thing he says.

"I could say the same about you," I respond back. He looks away. Talk about awkward.

"Why are you here?" I blurt out. Jesse looks up and locks eyes with me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you here. In this cell."

"Oh. reason."


At that, Jesse smiles.

"I remember you always saying that when we were little. I thought you grew out of it."

"Guess not. Isaac, do you have like an interrogation room or something?" I ask as I turn to face my destined.

"Yeah, why?"

"Why do you think?"

"Nuh-uh. Nope. Absolutely not."

"But whyyy."

"Because I said so."

"I don't care what you say. Unlock this cell. Now," I tell him. I cross my arms over my chest and turn to face him, raising one eyebrow in the process.




"Fine. You have five minutes. And I'm going to-"

"No. You can stand outside the door."

"Ugh. Fine," Isaac grumbles, taking the keys out of his pocket and unlocking the cell door. He grabs Jesse by his arm and practically drags him out of the cell and right across the hall to another room, but this one is smaller and looks way more sketchy.

He throws Jesse in the room, and he falls in a heap on the floor. I follow in after reassuring Isaac that everything will be fine.

The door slams shut, and a shiver passes through my body. This reminds me of the first night I was taken by Zach and beaten almost to death. A frown makes its way onto my face as I think of him. He didn't deserve to die. He was loyal and a good friend.

Someone is going to pay for his death.

I wait until Jesse stands up before I ask my first question.

"Why are you here?" I ask as he leans against the wall for support. He stares at me for a long moment before he answers.

"I could ask you the same question."

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. "I asked you first."

He sighs. "I came looking for you."

"Why? Barely after 3 years? I would've thought everyone claimed me as dead after that long."

"We did think you were dead, but I came across something last year. It was a group of guys talking in a bar, and that doesn't seem suspicious at all, but then one of the guys said your name. I didn't want to believe it was just a coincidence, so I became friends with them to see if I could eventually get anything else out of them. They started taking me hunting with them, but I started getting suspicious. We were walking around the woods with weapons, but we passed up tons of different animals, and they didn't even give them a second glance. It made me wonder what we were out there to hunt.

But then we came across a pack of wolves. But these wolves were huge. Like almost the twice the size of a normal wolf. That's when they got excited. But when we started losing against these monstrous wolves, we ran away. They had already killed most of the other guys with us, so it was only me and a few other guys left. But I got caught, and instead of getting killed like I thought I would, I was taken in by a human dude. But I was confused because the wolves didn't try to attack him, but more so because I didn't see any other people around when we started fighting. And also because he was naked..."

I make a face at his statement, but quickly mask it before he sees it. "So he brought you here. And the other guys got away?" I ask.

"As far as I know, yeah."

"Right. Okay..." I start off. I have no idea what to say. Jesse doesn't know werewolves exist, and I plan to keep it that way. But...

"Jess, does Mom know what you've been doing?" I ask him. He makes a face, and I narrow my eyes at him.



He sighs at my tone before dropping his head and looking at the floor. The very grey floor with dried blood all over it. Bleh. "No, she doesn't. She thinks I've been home all this time. Wait!" He picks up his head with a huge smile on his face. "She doesn't even know you're alive yet! Wait till I tell her! Bro, she'll be so happy."

"Right. But we have more important matters to discuss. Hold on, I'll be right back."

I turn around and open the door, motioning Isaac inside. He walks in almost happily, and he puts an arm around my waist after shutting the door behind him.

"Who's this?" Jesse asks, puffing out his chest to show his manliness. I roll my eyes.

"He's my boyfriend. Now, back to-" Jess doesn't let me finish my sentence and cuts me off.

"Boyfriend?! Since when! Oh hell no, my little sister is not allowed to have a boyfriend. Does he treat you right? Does he have a job? He better have a job. What about a car? Does he even know how to drive? How long have you known him. What would-"

"Shut up!" I scream at him, and he immediately stops talking.

"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, Isaac, we are going to let Jesse go. And then-"

"What? Why?" Isaac asks, cutting me off.

"Because he's my brother."

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