“That’s for another time,” I said. “Today, I suggest you start trying some other facet of your power.” Something simpler and less pleasantly connected to the High Lord she feared. “What about shape-shifting?” I offered, to drive the point in.

Feyre leveled a hard gaze at me. “Fire, water, and air it is.”

She took the candle from me and stepped back. I waited, but Feyre didn’t keep long to the candle before her eyes were snaking over me from the ground up, following my legs up to my hips before the broad expanse of stomach and chest over which I’d crossed my arms.

And finally, across my wings. She avoided my face altogether.

And she... wasn’t afraid.

“Maybe you should... go,” Feyre said, swallowing.

I had to go. We needed to see who was going to attack first, but I suddenly didn’t want to anymore.

“Why? You seemed so insistent that train you,” I teased. I didn’t really expect much to come of that, but -

“I can’t concentrate with you around.” Feyre stepped back still eyeing my chest, my neck. Heat flared down the knots of my stomach in a low growl as the lightest trace of - fuck, arousal hit me.

She - is she? Does Feyre actually -

“And go... far,” she said. “I can feel you from a room away.”

Delicious. Absolutely delicious.

I could do a lot from a room away. Twenty rooms, even.

A feline grin split my face and Feyre scowled, her disapproval and perhaps a slight twinge of something else evident.

“Why don’t you just hide in one of those pocket realms for a bit?” she asked, looking away.

“It doesn’t work like that. There’s no air.” Feyre gave me a pointed look - Then that’s exactly where you should be . I laughed. A room without air was probably exactly what I needed if she was going to keep looking at me that way, like she not only didn’t mind the person in front of her rippling with Night and power, but that she... liked what she saw.

Shit - I wanted to stay.

“Fine,” I said, willing the words into existence. “Practice all you want in privacy. Give a shout down the bond if you get anything accomplished before breakfast.”

Feyre lifted her hand, examining the eye etched upon her palm. “What - literally shout at the tattoo?”

Her fingers curled around the design, and I swore I could almost feel the touch it sent between us along that tether we shared.

I stepped close and breathed, “You could try rubbing it on certain body parts and I might come faster.”

I winnowed, just in time to miss the cock of her arm as she prepared to hurl the candle at me, but as I landed back inside our shared room imagining all the places that hand might touch, I could have sworn I felt a low groan of amusement from down the bond.

Before breakfast, I made sure to attend to a particularly cold shower.

“What - no biting words of welcome this morning, Ms. Archeron?” Cassian’s grin was borderline indecent as we sat down for breakfast. Nesta poured tea without so much as a glance.

“It’s no wonder fae have such a horrid reputation for being incorrigible dogs with the way you flaunt yourself about,” Nesta finally said. She’d taken her usual seat at the head of the table.

Acotar and Tog [Discontinued, Will be deleted]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat