Chapter 5

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Kazuma: Create Water!

You were sitting at the table as Kazuma was testing new amateur water spell by shooting it into a glass. After the emergency quest you had leveled up at least twice and thanks to the combined efforts of you and the dolls you had made quite the fortune. You had thought about getting a new magic with the skill points, but you were already satisfied with the magic you already had, plus you were saving up for a stronger spark! You planned on upgrading your clothes with the amount of money you earned, as well as buy some better equipment for the dolls. You noticed that Kazuma drank his magic water, so you were curios and asked.

(Y/N): Does it taste good?

Kazuma: It's alright. Well, that's what you'd expect fromelementry magic. Now that I've learned a skill, maybe I'm a bit more of an adventurer.

Darkness: Kazuma, (Y/N). Look! I repaired my armor with the reward I got from the cabbages and it's so shiny, now! What do you two think?

Kazuma: Looks like the sort of armor some newly-rich aristocrat's son would wear.

(Y/N): *nods in agreement*

Darkness: There are times when I'd like some genuine praise, too.

Kazuma: I don't have time to pay attention to you right now. Do something about that pervert who's well on her way to surpassing you.

Megumin: The luster of this Manatite staff brimming with magical power...

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm just going to go shopping for my stuff. I'll se you three later.

K,D,M: Later

Saying goodbye to the three you walk out of the guild to look for the nearest store. As you were leaving you could hear that Aqua was upset about something.

(Y/N): Well, whatever it is I'm sure she can handle it. Let's go find a shop.

Timeskip 20 minutes later

(Y/N): *thoughts* This is a lot harder then I thought! This place is a damn maze! *speaking* Where are the damn stores?!

???: Um, excuse me?

You turn around to see a girl with bright green hair and dark green eyes. She was wearing a yellow shirt with a dark green collar and a green skirt. She wore a black hat with a yellow ribbon around it.

???: Are you looking for the store?

(Y/N): Um, yes I am.

???: Well, I'll be happy to show you the way.

(Y/N): Oh! Thank you very much... um...

???: The name is Koishi. And follow me, it's this way.

You began to follow Koishi around town as she took you to the store. It was quite as she wore a content smile on her face, deciding to break the ice you talked first.

(Y/N): So Koishi?  How long have you been in the city?

Koishi: I've been here for a couple months now, I travel with my sister and a few of our friends. How long have you been here?

(Y/N): I've been here about a week now, I think. I am also traveling with friends.

Koishi: That's nice... Oh! Look, we're here!

Koishi points to a decent sized building with a couple of people inside waiting or shopping. You walk inside with Koishi in tow. She helps you find some new clothes to replace the ones from the world you previously in. You decided on something light weight and easy to move in, but still offered a little protection.

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