Chapter 53

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"Ok, so are we set?" Zach asked as we all sat around the table, coming up with a plan.

"Since my fingerprints are already on the body, I will get it." I nodded and he turned to me and pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"You don't have to, I can," he whispered and I shook my head.

"I will be ok." I nodded in assurance, trying to convince myself more than him. I could pick up a dead body. He wasn't a good person and he deserved it. But I couldn't get the officers words out of my head, we will tell his family. His family. It broke my heart that he wouldn't ever see them again and they wouldn't see him.

Tears began to prick my eyes causing me to blink them away. "Ok, I'm doing it," Zach decided, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I simply nodded, knowing he wouldn't allow me to argue and I didn't have the strength. Not today, not without the moon.

"Alexia and Mason, distract the officers," Zach instructed and they nodded. At that moment, Caroline re-entered the hall and sat down.

"There's three of them," she told us and Zach turned to Jordan and Ryder.

"Diversion." Ryder nodded.

"Don't get yourselves arrested," I begged and Ryder winked at me, causing my nerves to skyrocket.

"And Caroline will burn the car," Lexi reminded us and Zach nodded.

"Can we just burn the body in the car? It would look more accidental and then we wouldn't have to touch it," I asked and Zach nodded.

"That makes sense, ok we will make sure to get rid of any passerby's and Caroline set the fire," he explained and we all agreed on our plan.

Ryder and Jordan left the hall while Alexia and Mason went straight to the officers inside. I watched as they started a conversation with them and the teachers around.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I received a text from Blake, showing a thumbs up. "He has it," I told Zach and Caroline and they both nodded before we left the hall. Outside we met Blake who handed Caroline a canister of petrol. "Be careful Car," I pleaded, pulling her in for a quick hug.

"I will, I promise." She smiled and at that, she and Blake made their way to the police cars around the area. Zach and I started to avert pedestrians and citizens so they didn't see who started the fire.

I stopped suddenly when a police officer started to walk back in the direction of the cars. "Officer!" I called, loud enough for Blake and Caroline to hear. She turned to face me and I ran to her immediately.

"Yes?" She called and I stopped near her.

"I think I may have seen something regarding the body you found. I would've told the officers in the school but they disappeared," I told her and she nodded her head, indicating I should start talking.

I glanced at the nearby people and then back at her, hoping she would get the hint. She nodded instantly and I let out a sigh of relief. "Lets go somewhere quieter." She turned and started to enter the woods and I followed her, texting Zach that I had gone.

We stopped at the entrance to the woods and she spun to face me again, placing her hands on her hips and nodding once again. I smiled while internally, I was panicking. "Um... a few days ago, when I left school I saw a man enter the woods and he was holding something... I didn't see what it was. I didn't really think anything of it and went for a drink with my friends and when I left he was leaving the woods and he had a red stain on his jeans," I lied, the guilt ate away at me but I hoped that once they lost the body, there would be too many loose ends and they would give up.

"Can you tell me what the man looked like?" She asked and my smile faded. Looks? What if I described someone in town accidentally and got them arrested.

"I don't remember much because I took no notice until now but he had brown hair and was medium height. He wore a black hoodie and his jeans. I didn't really get a look at his face... sorry," I mumbled and she smiled. "It was probably nothing, I just thought I would let you know," I explained.

"Thank you, try not to worry, we will find whoever did this and they will be arrested," she assured me and I gulped. They would find my fingerprints. I would be arrested. And then I would become a wolf in my cell. This was a nightmare.

"Ok." I smiled and my phone buzzed again. I pulled it out and saw a message from Caroline. 'Done', she told me and I let out a deep breath then followed the officer back to the school. "I should get back to class," I sighed as we walked and she nodded.

As we neared the school I heard her gasp and I followed her gaze to the roaring orange flames enveloping the cars in the car park. The police van was consumed in flames over 10 feet tall and they flickered and danced over the metal. She ran over and soon students bustled out of school to see what was happening in the car park over the road.

The other officers and some teacher began ushering us back and away from the flames. Amongst the crowds I caught sight of Mason and Alexia and nodded at them. They smiled back and Mason winked at me. I turned back to watch all the officers frantically trying to put the fire out.

Again I searched the crowds and I caught a glimpse of Caroline and Blake, who waved and gave me thumbs up, clear gloves sealing their fingerprints. I smiled, knowing we also couldn't be blamed for the fire.

Soon the fire was under control and all I saw was melted metal, ashes and rubble. The smell of smoke and melted tarmac wafted through the air.

Two arms snaked around my waist from the back of me and a head was placed on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" Zach asked between the hot kisses he littered up my neck.

"I'm ok," I told him, tilting my head to allow him better access to my neck. I clutched his hands in mine while we watched the scene before us.

"It worked, nobody saw, no officers will know who it was, and all the evidence was destroyed." I could feel his smirk as he spoke, proud of his success.

"I hope so," I whispered and he stopped kissing me and spun me around in his arms. He cupped my face in his cold hands.

"It is," he assured me before pecking my nose gently.


So they are in the clear... for now.

Thank you so much for reading this far!

The end is in sight! There might be 5/10 more chapters and then I will have finished my first ever story.

Please tell me any criticisms and improvements I could make because I had got another few books in the planning stage and some that I have started to write.

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