why i HATE the kirishima traitor theory

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ITS NOT JUST BECAUSE I LOVE KIRISHIMA (i love tooru to death, but i still think she's the traitor- because i face facts) BUT BECAUSE THIS THEORY IS INTERPRETING KIRISHIMA AND HIS GOAL AT AIMING TO BE A HERO (despite not being a natural-born hero like midoriya) AND MAKING INTO AN ATTEMPT TO LEAVE HIS PAST VILLAINOUS LIFE? UM NO.

first off, the theory eXpLaiNs that kirishima could've been involved with villains since middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL. then why would you continuously put kirishima on the villain's side even AFTER his transformation (red hair, etc.)? now, do you think that the easily-scared, weak and vulnerable middle school kirishima would even DARE to protect someone from a villain? no. and we know this (in the manga) because instead of doing this, MINA was the one that jumped in to protect her classmates from that villain. not kirishima— because he was too scared. and now, do you think he would have the fucking guts to JOIN the villains? hang out with them everyday? hang out with the people he's scared of the most?

uh no.

next, the rescue. aPpArEnTly when kirishima threw a fit about not being a man if he just stood around not trying to do anything for bakugou, some "humans" interpreted that as kirishima "feeling guilty for his villainous actions." uhhhhhh, n o ? why can't people just face the fact that kirishima cares for bakugou— NOT EVEN AS A SHIP OR ANYTHING— and wants to rescue his best friend. i would do fuckin whatever to save MY best friend, perhaps the most important person in my life, from these edgy teen villains. any fucking thing. ALSO, kirishima was the one that was the oNLY ONE freaking out when mandalay telepathically told everyone "kAcChaN" was targetted by the villains. LIKE? clearly, kirishima didn't know this was gonna happen. he was so scared, so nervous and all, and why? because HE'S NOT ON THE VILLAIN'S SIDE.

okay so adding onnnn, these "humans" think that the night vision goggles were something that kirishima stole. MHM. YOU CLEARLY DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS BOY. to mE, and mANY others, it came off as "i spent all this money on these smol goggles jus for my bestie." and we are made sure that we KNOW it's pricey. we are made sure that kirishima SPENT all this money on the goggles (even when momo could make some...) when midoriya said that he was researching night vision goggles for his hero suit and found that they cost a SHIT TON of money.


now, why would horikoshi waste such a great character and make kirishima a villain? okay, we all have to admit that kirishima has had some amazing character development. he dyed his hair red to stand out more as a hero, he named himself "red riot," after his favorite hero, "crimson riot." i mean, i lOOK AT ALL THIS EFFORT HE'S PUTTING IN. NOW, WHY WOULD HORIKOSHI THROW IT ALL AWAY? HECK, WHY WOULD KIRISHIMA THROW IT ALL AWAY HIMSELF?


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