Chapter 1

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Ava Pov
"Yes father, I'll be home soon." I reply, playfully rolling my eyes as if he could see. "Sweetheart, I don't care if you're 21, you still shouldn't be out this late! It's nearly 2:00 am!" My father almost shouted into the phone. "Okay dad, I'll be home soon, I promise." I say and hang up the phone. He's always so worried as if I can't take care of myself. I proceeded down the street, my heels clicking as I walk. I hear a car behind me, but pay it no mind. No need for me to panic because it was a relatively safe neighborhood. "Hey cutie, want a ride?" I hear a voice say. I turn to see the person and of course, it's a creepy guy in a....okay looking car, I suppose. "Nah, I'm alright.." I half smile and continue walking. "You sure you don't want a ride? Gets dangerous 'round these parts late at night." He says and chuckles.

His voice grungy and low. "Nah, I'm okay. Nearly home anyway." I say and start walking slightly faster. I heard his car door open, and that's when I started booking it. Unfortunately, I tripped on a pebble and he caught me. "AHHH, somebody help me!" I yelled. Only for him to cover my mouth and drag me into his car. I bit his hand and immediately tasted blood. His blood was bitter and I didn't like it. But now, I had bloodlust. He threw me in the back of the car and drove off. My nails grew and my fangs were apparent. "Why don't you join me in the back?" I say as I grab him by the neck and began choking him. The car began to swerve and he lost control of the car, veering off into an empty alley.

He crashed into a pole and I flew forward out of the windshield. I rolled to the floor on my back. "Oh shit...." I heard him say. I played dead until either he walked up to me or drove away. When I heard his car speed off, I promptly got up and immediately hissed in pain. There was a large piece of glass stuck in my leg. "Fuck me." I mumble to myself and slowly pull the glass out. It hurt tremendously but at this point, I was sort of used to it. I threw the glass in a nearby garbage can and started walking, well, limping home. I could feel blood cascade down my leg, but I knew it wouldn't last for long. Around 20 minutes later, I had made it home. By now, my leg was pretty much fine. I knocked on the door, and there stood my father, Salem, king of our coven. "Ava? Where were you?" He slightly shouted and I rolled my eyes. "Dad, Relax. I ran into a slight bit of trouble-" "SLIGHT BIT OF TROUBLE? You are covered in blood." He cuts me off and I sigh. "Dad, it doesn't matter, I handled it, okay?" I assured him, but he gives me this death glare.

"Dammit Ava, how'd you grow to be so damn defiant? I did not raise you this way. At all. When I say come home, I mean exactly what I fucking said. Come. Home. You just turned 21 in human years and now you think you're just a grown adult." He rants. "Daddy, eventually you're gonna have to realize that I'm grown up now. I'm an adult." I complain and he huffs. "Go upstairs to your room, NOW!" He yells at me and I scoff, stomping up the stairs. Who is he to tell me what to do? I am an adult! Suddenly, my phone rang. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey? Who pissed in your coffee? Why the attitude?" My guy friend Demetrius questions. "Nothing... it's just my dad." I respond nonchalantly. "He on his monthly again?" Demetrius jokes and I snicker. "Seems like it never ends with him, you know? I'm an adult now. He's gonna have to treat me like one." I rant and jump onto my bed, well, coffin really.

"You know what you need? A buddy

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"You know what you need? A buddy. Look out your window." He says and I get up to see him outside of my window, smiling at me. I laugh and open up my window to let him in. He climbs up the ladder near my window and climbs in my room. "Hey Meech." I hug him. "Wassup? You need to rant?" He asks and I nod, pouting playfully. "Alright, go ahead. I'm all ears." He says and sits Indian style on the floor. "One of these days I'm gonna leave and never come back. I've had enough of his shit." I rolled my eyes and Meech laughs. "What'd he do this time?" He questions and I sigh. "Well, I had went out to this party. And while I was walking home he called and told me to come straight home because it was late. I hung up and this weird guy drives up in this car and basically tries to coax me in his car, and obviously, I knew better and told him no but he dragged me in his car. Long story short he crashed his car, I flew out of the windshield, played dead til he left and pulled some glass out of my leg and came home. My dad was PISSED and he got all mad but it was a pointless argument." I ramble and fall back in my coffin.

"Was it though?" Meech asks and I sit up abruptly. "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask cautiously. "Your dad is right. You keep getting into trouble. This is like, the 4th or 5th time this month. You gotta look at it from his point of view. He's cares. And you act like you don't." Demetrius says. "So you're taking my dad's side then?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Well, Yeah. Sorry but, you're wrong this time." He shrugs. I furrow my eyebrows at him before huffing loudly. "That's what you really think?" I say, but really I meant 'you got one chance to correct yourself'. "Uh, yeah. Sorry Ava. You're not right this time..." He shrugs and I grumble. "Well you can leave then." I mumble lowly and lay back in my coffin. "No. I'm not leaving." He says and laughs. "It's not funny. How dare you agree with him? He is the literal BANE of my existence right now and you have the nerve, the audacity, the fucking BALLS, to agree with him? Fuck you!" I shout, now no longer caring about my dad hearing me. He shakes his head and chuckles.

One reason I hate Meech is because when I scream and get mad at him, he always is so cool and calm, like he has NEVER EVER screamed back or even stormed away, he just laughs and stares at me. "Quit fucking laughing. All that weed you smoke probably killed your brain cells." I grumble. "Actually it doesn't, you could probably use a hit or two to chill yo little ass the fuck out. As a matter of fact." He says and goes into his hoodie. He reveals a sandwich baggie filled with marijuana and some papers. He motions for me to come to him and my stupid self actually does. Curse my heart for liking him. I let out a sigh and shake my head. "I'm not smoking that. Especially in my dad's house. He'll literally kill me." I shrug and he shakes his head. "For somebody who be defying they dad all time, you sure give a lot of fucks about what he gotta say." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't care about what my dad says." I say sternly. "Apparently you do, because if ya didn't, you'd come hit this." He mumbles while rolling his blunt.

He lights it and takes a puff, blowing it in my face. I cough immediately and glare at him. He chuckles and licks his lips. "You're adorable when you're mad." He says and I smile and blush. "Shut up." I mumble, looking away so he doesn't see me blushing. I sigh, and take the blunt from him. I hesitantly placed it in my mouth and inhaled the smoke. Immediately, I started coughing violently and Meech rubbed my back. "Hey, it's okay. Don't inhale so hard and so much. Take it easy, a little at a time." He states and I hand his blunt back once I stop coughing my lungs out. "It's okay. You'll get used to it." He rubs my back. I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. It was silent for a moment until he spoke up. "Hey, what's it like being a vampire?" I turn to him but he was already looking at me.

If you couldn't guess by now, Demetrius is human. The only reason he knows I'm a vampire is because of an incident in which I had to tell him. Sometimes, I wonder why he's just, so okay with it. Most people fear us. "Well, if I'm being honest. It's pretty cool. I mean, once you've reached adulthood, you don't age for a VERY long time." I explain. He looks at me curiously. "So, is all shit in vampire movies true?" He questions. "Some of it." I state. "Like what?" He mumbles, handing me his blunt. I take it and inhale slowly, not trying to have another coughing fit. I hand it back. "Um, the immortality. We don't die naturally, or of mortal diseases and illnesses. Well, besides werewolf venom." I shrug and he chuckles. "So werewolves and vampires really be having beef?" I nod. "Yeah, I mean, not all the time. I know a couple alright werewolves. A lot time, we go out of our way to just avoid each other." I say and lay back, feeling a sudden relaxation.

"So is that the only thing that can kill you?" He asks, getting closer to me. I shake my head. "No, it would have to be through decapitation or ripping their heart out." I say, feeling suddenly sleepy. "Demetrius, I feel so tired." I mumble and he chuckles. "Yeah, it'll do that to you." He says referring to his blunt. "Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask, feeling only a little worried. "It's a good thing. It's suppose to do that. It helps you relax." He says and I nod. "I'm going to sleep." I tell him and use what felt like almost all my energy to climb in my coffin. He was about to climb out the window but I stopped him. "Can you sleep with me?" I beg and he smiles. He walks over to my coffin, which was surprisingly spacious. He climbs in and I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He closes the coffin and cuddles close to me. "Night Ava." He says and I smile. "Night Meech." I mumble and go to sleep.

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