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The moment I saw her face the whole world came crashing down on me.
I had never seen a face so alluring.
The whole sky was brightening up.

Colours gushing in from everywhere.
Bright blinding colours.
Making the most colourful rainbow I had ever seen.

And within all those colours, she shone even brighter and gave off the most mesmerizing and radiant smile a person could offer.
Making my soul tremble.

The light she gave off was so bright that it lit up my whole existence.
There was an aureole covering her.
A sacred personage she was.

The colours ripped apart through all my gray and I discovered a world that I never knew existed.

A world so colourful, so enthralling, so radiant.
A world that coloured my gray existence.

Gray.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora