➵ 8 - Enter The Troubled Waters

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Lucas stands in a field of grass, green and growing beautifully

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Lucas stands in a field of grass, green and growing beautifully. My parents stand behind him and so does Ezra. They smile like they aren't completely disappointed in me and who I am. I smile and I run up to them and they all hug me. "Thought I'd never see you guys again," I say, smiling, "Especially you Superman."

I had to see if this was a trick.

Lucas says in response, "Yup, I'm back Batman," and that's when I realize: This isn't real. Lucas would never call me Batman, I'm Superman and he knows that. He'd probably hit my arm and scold me about it. Yes, it's that serious to him.

Suddenly, the scene changes completely. The bright blue sky turns to that of the night sky and there are a bunch of boys dancing around a campfire while one of them plays the piccolo (I think that's what its called.) They wear odd outfits, animal-themed costumes, except for two of them. One of them is about four and wears a pink onesie and the other wears a white back-in-the-day nightgown and a black Abe Lincoln top hat. They laugh and play like children should. I still don't trust Peter Pan though.

Lucas sits alone and looks really sad. "Why the long face?" Peter Pan asks.

"I want to go home," Lucas pouts, not making directing eye contact but instead fidgeting with his fingers. He took a seven-year-old with ADD to a place with no wifi, technology, or toys. What did he expect? To be honest, that's probably one of the reasons we get along so well. He has ADD and I have ADHD. We don't have attention spans for the life of us.

"But Lucas, look at all the fun everyone is having," Peter gestures to the Lost Boys dancing around without a care in the world, "Listen to the music."

Lucas furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "I don't hear anything."

Really? 'Cause I do.

"That's because you don't believe, Lucas. Do you believe in fairies and mermaids?" Peter asks.


"Why not?" Peter inquires, putting a hand on his chin.

"Because my mommy and my brother say that's ill--ill--it doesn't make sense," he tries his hardest to say 'illogical', "I haven't seen it, I haven't touched it, so it doesn't exist. Except for God, he exists."

"What if you did see or touch a mermaid?" Peter asks, "Would you believe then?" Lucas nods and they walk off.

The scene changes again. It's like I'm actually there because every time the scene changes, the ground shifts beneath me. Now I'm in a room high above Neverland, the architecture looks practically impossible but then again so are my circumstances. The windows look like a fairy's wings and the room is engulfed in gold paint.

Peter stands at a golden pedestal, which projects an image as waves his hand in front of it. He says, without turning around, "When will the extraction be able to commence?" My English teacher would be impressed.

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