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"This is a 2 bedroom suite 1 1/2 bath. The countertops are granite and there's a nice view on the balcony. There's nice patio space for storage",the lady showed us with a clipboard in hand.
I looked at Khia as she looked around in amazement at how beautiful the view was. She looked happy as she felt the countertops.
"What do you think babe?",she looked at me putting me on the spot.
"It's nice",I said looking around me and scratching my head.
"But nothin",I said. She gave me a look and then asked the lady if we could have some privacy. This was her third apartment stop today and I was just tired.
"What's wrong?",she said crossing her arms.
"I'm tired ki."
"I feel like that's not why you acting like this."
"Babe I already told you it's up to you where you wanna stay."
"What about you? Your not gonna move in with me? I thought this was a together thing."
"I haven't made a decision yet."
"Why? You want your own place so you could have hoes in whenever you like?"
"That ain't never came out my mouth so what you sayin not makin any sense."
"I'm just trying to figure out why you don't want to move in with me when just a couple months ago you was all for it."
"Khia just respect my decision."
"Alright so ima get me my own apartment. I thought you'd be happy but guess not",she said walking out. I shook my head at her and walked out behind her. On the ride to drop her home, she didn't even give me a kiss before sayin goodbye. Khia's antics was beginning to get real old and didn't even phase me anymore cause I know this how she handles situations. She runs away from em.

Closing the house door behind me, I went to my room and threw my phone on the bed. Santiago just doesn't get it as I thought he did. I don't wanna have to walk around with a gun everywhere I go looking over my shoulders. He was so confusing. One minute he's down to move in, the next he doesn't want to. I'm not understanding.
The door bell rung and I asked who it was.
"Bae it's me open the door."
I looked through the peep hole and it was Santiago. I thought of a thousand reasons not to open up I did anyways.
"How long you've been in the driveway?",I asked him closing the door behind him.
"Long enough for you to open up",he said sitting on the living room couch.
"So whatsup? You done told me you not trying to move in so why are you here?"
He looked up at me and said, "why everything gotta be a argument with you?"
"Because you didn't give me a good enough reason why."
"I personally don't want to. Why is that not a good enough reason?"
"Okay so I'm done talkin about it. You don't want to so let's leave at that",I said crossing my arms.
"We can't just leave it at that because I promise you you'll think about it all night and we won't talk for days. I've been with you long enough to know that's how it goes with you."
"Your right. You won't hear from me for days until I feel like talkin to you again."
"So when you don't talk to me, what am I supposed to do about it? Apologize?"
"If you want to or you can be like all these other niggas and replace me. Up to you."
"Why you comparing me to other niggas? See that's ya problem. You assume stuff to the fullest and make up scenarios in your head about what I'll do. If we're gonna get married, we gotta be able to talk about stuff and you need to stop with the assumptions."
"I'm not the type to talk about stuff right then and there. If you do somethin to piss me off, Ima need time to cool off before talkin to you."
"That's understandable but it don't take a full night to cool off that's number 1",he said coming close to me.
"You gotta respect my decisions that's number 2. I can already see you hard to tame when you don't get your way but we can work on that."
"And your secretive Since we naming flaws."
"I'm secretive? Baby how? Every move I'm gonna make, you know about it."
I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms.
"Exactly. So my advice to you is to wait out on this apartment thing until I decide if ima hop on board or not."
"But you just told me your not on board with it. So which is it?"
"Just need some time to think about it. Can you give me that? Or is that gonna be another problem?",he said putting his hand on my waist.
"You have a week to decide."
"I like that your persistent",he said kissing me on the cheek and going to my lips but I stopped him with my hand.
"One week",I said.
"Okay one week."

Typing this essay for my history class, I got so tired and looked at my phone. I'm slowly considering my entire major cause this workload this semester was driving me crazy. Khia and I haven't spoken for a good two weeks. Only time we spoke and spent time with each other was at school and don't nobody wanna chill at school. Although I'm tired, I've been on my game. Handling everything I gotta handle. One thing I was really looking forward to is my family in D.R coming to the U.S. They all bout to be in here deep and that's where all my focus been at so far.
"Hijo",my mom said entering my room with a plate of food.
"Yea mama."
"I brought you some food. I didn't see when you came in today."
"Yeah I've been here trying to finish up this essay."
"Oh okay. Listen, your dad wanted to know if you could go with him to the airport this weekend. You know he's not familiar with the road and signs."
"Yea no problem."
"And clean your room because Romeo will be sleeping in here too",she said looking around and seeing my books spread out all over the place.
"Okay mamá."
She kissed me on the forehead and closed my door. I looked at my phone and saw Khia was calling me but I really needed to finish this homework assignment by midnight so I turned my phone on silent.

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