Chapter two

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( hello everyone welcome back to another chapter hope you enjoy. Love you all bye💕💕💕)

Erasmy's POV
" okay everyone open your books to page..." the teacher said as I felt my mind going in and out of focus.
Why the hell did that dream feel so real? I thought as I just stared at the teacher as he spoke. Maybe I am lonely? I questioned as I thought about the relationships I've had.
There was that one guy freshmen year but we only dated for like a month. I think his name was Ethan. I still remember Angie hated him cause apparently he was a fuck boy. I didn't see it but Leilani and Angie saw it easily. I thought as I looked over at my two Bestfriend's. Angie was writing down her notes as the teacher talked. Her light curly brown hair sticking out in various places caused me to snicker.
I looked over at Leilani who was also taking notes. Her face was covered in a determination kind of emotion as she wrote what the teacher was talking about. They always know when something is wrong even when I can't see it.
There was also that one guy in my sophomore English class. He had the cutest smile, but his personality was shit to be honest.
I mean I'm not that great either but at least I'm respectful. I thought as I soon started to think about the boy in my dream. I don't know why but I felt like I knew him from somewhere but I don't remember ever meeting a boy named jungkook. There was Ethan, Ian, mike, Cory, Justin, Alex, and Michael but no jungkook.
" okay everyone that will be it for now. I'll see you next class don't forget to do the homework that I assigned." The teacher said but I didn't really focus on his words.
Before I knew it I was so lost in my own thought that I didn't even notice that Angie and Leilani were calling me. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at them.
" you completely blanked out during class. Are you okay?" Leilani asked as I stared getting up from my desk. " I don't know. The dream I had, it freaked me out and I can't stop thinking about it." I said as I looked at my dark haired Bestfriend.
" didn't we tell you not to worry about it. Your gonna give yourself a headache if you keep dwelling on every freaky dream you have." Angie bluntly said as she placed her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes at her action causing her to playfully glare up at me.
" we're serious Erasmy. Remember last time you had that dream with the same cat every time. You wouldn't sleep for three days. We literally had to drug your drinks with NyQuil." Leilani said as I remembered the freaky orange furred cat with two different colored eyes.
" it's not like that this time. It just feels like I've met the boy that was in my dream before." I muttered as I sighed.
" well maybe you have met him before but he just looks different in your dream." Angie said as she shrugged her shoulders.
" maybe." I muttered as Angie quickly grabbed both of our arms pulling us out of the class.
" listen why don't we have a movie marathon today. We can relax eat some food maybe cry a bit depending on the movie. Wouldn't that be fun." Angie said as she looked at both me and Leilani, hope simmering in her eyes.
" fine but I pick the movies." I said as I smiled up at my two best friends. Before Angie could even pull us further out of the class, she suddenly ran into some girls that were passing by.
" whoops my bad." Angie said to the girls as she continued to pull me and Lani down the hallway. I was about to turn around tell the girls sorry but before I could even move I felt a sudden force push my body down onto the cold floor. I hissed in pain as I landed on my arm wrong. I slowly looked over to my right and saw that Leilani had fallen as well.
Did we trip or something?? I thought as I slowly started to sit up from the floor.
" Hey!! What the hell is yalls problem?!?" Angie's voice hissed as I quickly looked over to see Angie standing her ground against the three girls she had ran into.
" aw is the short little freshmen mad that we pushed her friends." One of the girls said as I felt my eyes widen at her statement.
" first of all I'm not a freshmen and second of all I may be fucking short but I can still kick your ass!!" Angie hissed out as I quickly got up from the floor to intervene but before I could say anything. Leilani quickly grabbed both me and Angie's arm and pulled us down the stairs.
" hey!! Lani what the hell I was just about to beat the fuck out of those girls." Angie hissed out as we finally made it to the second floor.
The second floor was mostly deserted due to it being after school and all.
" those girls seriously pissed me off. Like I get that I accidentally bumped into them but still they have no right to push y'all." Angie explained as she kept tapping her foot on the floor in annoyance at the events that just happened.
" Angie.." Leilani muttered as I felt the tension grow around her.

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