The voices quieted as she appeared in the doorway of the living room and Cassius grinned up at her with an adoration in his green eyes. The deaths of their brothers had been the hardest on the him but as he got up from the sofa to gather her into a brotherly hug, she was glad that he was okay. 

She'd missed him and she practically melted into his rustic scent. 

"Hey, sister," Cassius chuckled softly into her hair, "Its been a long time, no see." 

"I missed you, Cas," She playfully shoved his chest. 

"Then why don't you come visit more often?" He joked. 

She rolled her eyes, grinning like a fool, "Easier said than done." 

She giggled as Cassius tickled her and then she let her gaze wander around the room. Fox was there, sitting in an armchair with General and Amigo on either side. Leroy sat across from Fox with the Gamma of the Aloysius pack, Emmett. 

"Alpha," She nodded at Leroy. 

"Reeve," He smiled. 

A few weeks after the war, Leroy become recognized as the Alpha of one of the largest packs in America. He eradicated the rest of the evil from the Conquistador pack and joined the rest of the members with Aloysius, forming one large pack all together under the Aloysius name. He owned and managed nearly half of the country and she loved that he didn't change with such a high title. 

She took a seat on the couch with Cassius and she lost herself in the hours she spent just catching up with her closest family. She savored every moment of it. They stayed up half the night with their reunion, laughing and joking. Some of the pack members filtered in and out, some she recognized and others were new faces, but she got to see everyone that she remembered. 

Plus, she was elated to see females walking around. Most of the men had finally found their mates and she swore she had to come back when little pups started running around. She was glad that everyone was finally happy. 

Much faster than she wanted, she found herself standing on the front porch saying her goodbyes once again. Her two day visit was over and she felt like she'd barely blinked. Time really had a funny way of flying by when all she wanted was for time to freeze. 

She gave everyone a hug. Leroy held her tightly a few moments, wishing her the best of luck and telling her to call if she ever was in trouble and she smiled. He was a great brother. She finally made it to Cassius and his green eyes were so warm they almost burned her. 

He crushed her in a hug, "I love you, Reeve. Take care up there and for the love of the moon goddess come back and visit more often."

She chuckled, sticking her tongue out at her brother, "You could come visit me, too, you know. And I love you, too." 

"Don't get into too much trouble, Alpha Reeve." Cassius teased. 

She had made it the bottom of the steps and she paused to look over her shoulder with a grin, "Same goes for you, Beta Cassius."  She mocked, playfully. 

She opened the back door of her vehicle and let her Beta's, Amigo and General, jump into the backseat, then she got in the passenger side and Fox got into the drivers seat next to her. 

"Ready to go home?" Her Gamma asked. 

"Let's go home," She confirmed and watched the Aloysius Pack disappear in the rear-view mirror. She sighed and settled into her seat for the drive back to Canada. 

She was the Alpha of Radburn pack.

And this was her destiny.


Ha. Nope. 

✙ ✙ ✙ ✙ ✙ ✙

Alpha Reeve... who could have guessed, right? 

This epilogue came out way different than I expected it to and I honestly love it so much. This has been quite the journey and I can't believe its over. Granted, some of the characters who died were not planned, trust me. It just kind of happened as I was writing. Please don't kill me.

So, you guys, this is the end....*EDIT*....and no, its not the end anymore. I've decided to branch out, just a bit, so hurry on over to Book Three and Book Four! 

I would be honored to hear what you thought of this book, please leave a review. 

I will be making a thank you note, reviews page and Q&A page. Have questions? Ask them and I'll answer!

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(Not edited)

-- 1942 words --

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