Chapter 6: Plans for the Baby

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Trying to sneak out of house that occupied a two originals and werewolf, proved to be more difficult then Lya expect. However after almost getting caught three times, she finally managed to escape and went to meet the Winchester brothers out in the park. Upon her arrive she saw the pair of brothers leaning against a black '67 Chevy Impala.

"Sam, Dean" Lya nodded in greeting to each of them.

"Huh" Dean said "I half expected you to look like your dad."

"Well thank God I don't" Lya said crossing her arms over an unnoticeable baby bump. "Thanks for coming, by the way."

"It's no problem" Sam said "but we still don't understand the whole situation. What do have to with any of it?"

"Did I forget to mention the miracle hybrid baby hasn't been born yet?" Lya ask rhetorical. She knew she hadn't told them about baby or the fact that she was the mother. "Or that I'm its mother?"

"Your its what?" Dean asked

"She's it's mother" Sam repeated the redhead.

"I heard that Sammy" Dean exclaimed "I meant how."

"Well you see when..." Lya began sarcastically giving the grown man the birds and the bees  talk before he quickly cut off.

"Kid, I'm like fourteen years older then you" Dean said "I had that talk before you were even born."

"Fine" Lya said "I end up sleep with the baby daddy after he saved me from my pyscho aunt and I had to much to drink. Anyways now my life's being threatened by a coven of bitches...sorry witches and I'm stuck living with the originals unless..."

"You get rid of the child" Sam said knowing what Lya was going to say next.

"Yeah" Lya responded holding up a vial of wolfsbane she had. "This small dose of wolfsbane would be enough to cause a miscarriage since the baby's part werewolf but..."

"You bring yourself to do it" Dean nodded seeming to understand why Lya wouldn't poison the child. "That's how mom reacted when I told her to leave dad back in 1978. She would have rather died herself instead of erase us."

The Winchesters and Lya continued talk to they came the conclusion that it was best for Lya to stay with Mikaelson since dealing with Leviathan wasn't a job for pregnant.  After the boys left Lya stay in the park a little while longer. When she was about to leave a trig snapping caught her attention before she came face to face with a vampire.

"Dumb move coming into the quarter, Adopted Wolf" the vampire said getting the Winchesters attention.

"I have had up to here with vampires telling me what to do" Lya said punching the vampire in the face before turning to walk away, only to come face to face with two other vamps. Luckily for her Rebekah came out of nowhere and ripped their hearts out.

"Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady" Rebekah spoke to the heart she held in her hand before throwing it on the ground. "I do hate bad manner's."


"Does anyone more questions" Klaus asked as Lya and Rebekah followed him into the house. Both girls remained silent so he went on. "No. Good, because I have a question. Lya, what where you doing in the bloodly French Quarter in the first place?"

"Leave her be" Rebekah said having heard Lya's whole conversation with the Winchesters.

"You want to know what I was doing" Lya asked stepping forward. "I was consulting with a pair of hunters on if I should put your little baby out of its misery."

Within seconds anger washed over Klaus and he had her pinned to the with his hand around her throat.

"Nik" Rebekah shouted before grabbing his shoulder and vamp speeding him in the opposite wall. "Keep your hand off her. She pregnant for God's sake. All of this fuse about not wanting the child and the second she tells you she ready to get rid of it..." Klaus glanced over at Lya. She was gasping for air and Hayley had ran into the room and was currently making sure Lya was okay. "It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That Elijah was trying to. That's all he ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted."

The pair of siblings seat down on the steps as Rebekah's word sank in.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel" Klaus told his sister

"What?" Rebekah asked

"Marcel was nervous" Klaus explained "It was bad enough one Original returned to town but two. His crew was getting antsy. He wanted a Elijah gone so I gave him a peace offering."

"You barted our brother" Rebekah said

"I have a plan" Klaus went on "gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I'm excuting that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it there's the door. See if I care."

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