A girl (Prologue)

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On the day of chaos, The spring has yet to come but the winter was being revived as the whole country of humans was completely covered in snow. The snow was found in every single area of the forest all year round with spring nowhere to be found. The wind gently kissed the window of a lone house standing in the middle of the forest. Silence took over the forest for thousands of years now and not a single animal dares to get close to this lone house.

The lone house that was usually empty is now being filled with the single presence of a girl. The girl with scarlet red hair and a beautiful yet sorrow purple eyes sat on a chair alone in an empty house, cold and lonely. Her dress is pure white with a metal collar around her neck and a cuff on both of her hands and foot. Her name is Sumiruka Draglunia, A life-sacrificed from heaven for the kingdom of the vampire. This building that seems like a house she's in right now is a temple for placing sacrifice. She's been waiting for a while ever since her family abandoned her in this house. For the past 4 days, she has been doing nothing but waiting and survive with a little food that her mother gave to her. However, She thinks of it as nothing. 

Creak... The sound of the door being push gently inside, Men around the age of 20 to 30 that seems to be the soldier from the vampire clan slowly walked inside into the house. He turns his head around the house, looking for someone he's ordered to come and get. The moment he turns to his right, he saw a girl sitting on a chair. No movement, no emotions, no reactions. She's sitting facing the window in front. She slowly turns to where the sound came from until both of them made eye contact. As soon as their eyes met, she stands up from her seat and kneels. "It is an honor to be presenting myself as one of the servants for the second prince of the vampire kingdom." She got on to her knee as she presents herself to the soldiers. In front of him are his master possession and someone that will become part of their clan soon. He didn't do anything except standing there and be shocked by the beauty of the young girl in front of him, She also smells unbelievably sweet as it drew him towards her but he immediately remembered his mission and kept that as his top priority. Afterward, they took the girl into the cart then travel back to the castle.




End of introduction

How's that! everyone, I'm sorry for my grammar but this is the first story I've ever written so please enjoy.

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