23. [Jordan✎♡]

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Ava could find herself getting lost in those dreamy chocolate brown eyes. Everything about him from his eyes to his hair, to his facial structure, to those full embodied lips and those dimples that made her weak at the knees. And that Bostonian accent was the cherry on top. Ava always found accents quite fascinating and Jordan's happened to become one of her favorites. She was caught off by him briefly but tenderly pecking her and she was now on earth again. "Huh?" she said as she licked her lips and looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. " What were you thinkin' about huh?" he teased as he raised his eyebrows. "Jordan I'm not always thinking when I'm staring blankly at something" she tried to protest but he chuckled. "Baby you were looking at me so intensely that I thought I had somethin' on my face". Ava knew that she didn't have anything to respond so she did what Jordan would almost never question and that was her lips. Crashing her lips into his, she could feel him getting into it and briefly pulled away. She almost found herself breathless and quite emboldened by her initiating the kiss.

"You're getting better" Jordan praised after a few seconds of pulling away. "Jordan oh my gosh" she said and chuckled. "What?" he asked while raising an eyebrow and an amused expression plastered on his face. "So tell me baby girl-" he began and she cringed hard. "What?". "Don't ever call me that again" she disapproved while shaking her head and he laughed. "Too much?" she nodded. "Baby is fine". "Speaking of that Jordan" she said as her voice got serious. "Hmm?". "How many girls have you called baby in past relationships?". Jordan's eyes practically bulged out of his head like an owl and she chuckled. "I'm kidding," she said. "Phew, you really had me there" he admitted while nodding and took a huge breath. "Damn is it that bad?" she teased. Ava was currently leaning back using her elbows and hands to support her. Jordan shook his head playfully and smiled down at her.

"Enough about me, tell me about you more? Can't believe you're starting college soon" he spoke and she smiled. "Yeah, I'll admit I'm a little nervous". "Why baby?" he asked as he now lied on his front with his head turning over to look at her. "It's a new environment, new people". "You'll do great, I know it. You're so smart" he added. "Well for what I want to be, I don't just have to be smart, more so I have to be creative, it's very crucial for the matter". "Sounds interesting, why do you have to very creative?" he questioned. "It has to do with writing" she answered. "Just writing ?". "Story-telling, books, novels" she clarified. "Oh, I like stories" he says and she smiles. "Me too". "How long have you been writing?" he asked as he now flipped over to his back, crossing his arms behind his head and looked up at her. "I'd say 6, well those were small you know childish stories with talking animals and stuff"Jordan chuckled and nodded. "I started writing meaningful types of things when I was about 15". "What do you mean by meaningful?" he questioned once more. "Just things that I keep in mind, that I hope would help me not make the same mistakes in the future". "I'd love to see your writing, read it, it's very interesting to me. Baby, I'm sure you must be talented maybe you could help us write for the next album" he spoke and she chuckled. "Unless you want to write a 500-word song" she joked. "But umm, I'm kinda nervous to show you or anybody actually" she admitted nervously. "As a person working in the music arts industry, you need to learn how to take criticism, part of it is showing what you got" he urged politely and she groaned. "Okay, I mean I don't know if I have anything to show you right now " she admitted but then remembered storing a notebook in her bag. "Okay, there's a notebook in my bag, I'm going to walk away and leave you to open up the book randomly and read whatever you find okay?" she instructed, Jordan playfully rolled his eyes and agreed.

Ava practically speed walked away a certain distance to the point where she wouldn't be able to hear him read it if he chose to read it out loud. Jordan smiled to himself as he reached for her purse, unzipping it slowly and pulling out a simple matte black notebook and opened it to the very first page. His eyes beamed with delight and curiosity at his own name imprinted beautifully in what he assumed was Ava's handwriting.

Anything You Ask Of Me: Jordan KnightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang