Chapter 5

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"Who is this friend?" I ask Desiderius as we walked back.

"Her name is Io. She has been my friend for as long as I have been a vampire," he says and I internally roll my eyes. As if that meant something when I hardly know how old he is.

"Which is hundreds of years worth of companionship, Gabriel. I would trust her with my life." He says as if reading my mind.

"Why do you want me to meet her?" I ask and he stops walking as our home comes into view.

"Io is another immortal being like myself. But she is not a vampire. She possesses something dark and powerful and uses it mercilessly toward anyone. And this power will be shared with you." He said so casually as my eyes widen.

A power?

"What? Why? I don't know her why would she do that? What will it do to me?" I ask him.

"I can't answer that." He takes a step toward the door and I grab him by the wrist to stop him.

"Des..Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"For you." He opens the door.

At first glance, everything was normal until the scent of lavender fills my nostrils. I was in a trance only for a moment until I see a head of white hair peeking out from the armchair facing away from us.

"Gentleman." I was surprised by her young face as she greeted us.

"I don't like to be kept waiting. You should know this better than anyone, ya hayati," Desiderius approaches her first and she gently caresses his face. They exchange a few words in a language I don't understand before her eyes finally met mine.

My mouth went dry as she smirks at me.

"Hello, Gabriel." She walks closer and looks at me up and down.

She was smaller than us both and I realized she wore no shoes, yet her bare feet looked like they hadn't even touched the ground outside. Her eyes stood out the most, they were the same shade as lavender. A color I had never seen in a human's eyes. Her white hair flowed past her breasts which were scarcely covered by the low cut of her black dress. She was stunning indeed, but I couldn't help but feel cautious toward her.

She says something to Des in that same foreign language and his eyes flash angrily for a moment and she giggles.

"Are you strong, Gabriel?" She asks me.

I hesitate and suddenly she speaks again.

"Let us hope you are." She smiles.

I am frozen in shock when I feel her place both hands on either side of my face and kiss me deeply.

It was bliss.

Until it wasn't.

My mouth felt hot all of a sudden. I couldn't breathe but her strength held me in place much to my surprise. I look at Desiderius for help, but he stood there only watching. Soon the heat spread to my chest and made my heart beat wildly while the pain was excruciating.

Stop this! Gabriel stop her now!

My wolf cries out to me but I am paralyzed.

All I could focus on was the burning throughout my entire body that stopped the second she removed her lips from mine.

"What..." I fall to my knees.

"What did you do to me?" I say through gritted teeth.

I felt awful and angry.

"You'll feel better after you rest." She bends down to whisper in my ear and everything goes dark.

But I didn't.

When I awoke I felt someone gently running their fingers through my hair. I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling until she spoke.

"You know you talk in your sleep." I sit up abruptly and see Io sitting calmly on the lounge, she had my head in her lap and smiled at me.

"What did you do to me?" I asked.

"And here I thought Desiderius had told you everything. Pity." She sighs.

"He told me you were immortal. But you are not a vampire.." I say and notice the sun peeking through our windows and falling on us both.

"Think of me as...a witch. After all Desiderius and I both serve the same master. And now you so as well." She clasps my hands with her own excitedly.


"The devil of course." I pull away disgusted.

She pouts.

"A wolf would never worship the devil. Whatever you've done to me take it back. Now!" I sneer at her.

"Your nativity is charming. He really has not explained a single thing to you, Gabriel." She shakes her head and sighs.

"Who the fuck are you to speak about him when he's not here?!" I pull her up roughly by her arms causing her eyes to widen.

"Take back what you did now! He's not here to protect you. Take back this darkness I don't need it for my revenge!" I scream at her.

"I don't need protection." I feel her press her thumb on my forehead and my vision changes before me.

I was in the woods again, Io was gone and it was nightfall somehow but I couldn't recognize where I was.

"Des!" I call out and hear it echo. What has she done now?

"Des where are-" I grunt as a white hot pain wraps around my neck and hold me to the ground. I reach to rip it off my neck only to burn my own fingers.'s the only explanation.

"Welcome home, Gabriel." A scream remains trapped in my throat as I see my own father holding down the chain around my neck.

My hands reach to rip out his throat and I cannot hold back a scream when more silver chains are suddenly holding down my arms. 2 other wolves along with my father hold down the chains with clothes over their hands to protect themselves.

I couldn't shift. The pain was unbearable and I began panicking at the sound of footsteps coming toward me.

"We've been waiting for you." Caleb's voice makes my skin crawl.

"I've missed you.." he crouched down to drag a finger down my cheek and I clench my teeth unable to take it anymore. This couldn't be happening. Not again. I would not lose again.

"No!" I cry out and something snaps inside of me.

I felt a wave of what I could only describe as pure energy exert from my entire body. Each man around me was suddenly suspended in midair and gasping as the chains they once held wrapped tightly around the necks.

Caleb claws blindly in the air unable to breath. His face slowly turns red and I imagine him burning slowly to feel the utmost agony that he caused me years ago.

I was in control here. I squeeze my fist tighter and sigh listening to the bones snap in the necks of the men who held me down. My fathers eye's are practically squeezing out of his head as I suffocate him slowly.

I stare Caleb down and release his neck. He gasps for her and for a moment I think he looks relieved, as if I would let him go. It wasn't my intention at all, I wanted to hear him scream.

Moments later flames engulfed his body. He screams and flays around wildly for a few minutes but I'm sure for him it felt much longer.

When he stops moving I just stare at his crisp body and my vision is restored to me.

Io is no longer in my grasp and stares at me with a small smile on her face.

"There is a devil in you after all." She seems pleased with herself.

I couldn't speak. What I saw felt so real. And what I did felt..satisfying.

"Get out. Now." I warn her.

"Why serve a God when you can be one, Gabriel?" I hear her speak closely behind me but when I turn around she's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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