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It is a talent that many have but is invisible to the naked eye. The art of hiding one's emotion, and conveying a faceless face is different to the art of those talented. The art of deceiving one's emotion, is such a divine tool, one can easily master it.

It's as easy as taking azure paint and stroking a line onto your canvas and afterwards dipping your canvas into a vessel of crimson paint. That is the art of deception. Hiding one's true form and bringing a false image to the surface.

They may feel sad but they only show anger.

That angry man you see may not be as angry as his eyes travel into his depressed soul. That sad man is talented. That sad man is mastering the art of deception.

[explanation: the writer explains that one who is hiding their emotions and portraying themselves as numb is different to one who hides their emotions purposely and displays another. The second passage describes that it's as easy as painting a small amount of paint and then coating it with a larger amount as it is to hide your true emotions and show a false one. The last two passages talks about how we shouldn't assume one's emotions whether it's visual or verbal and that we should always look deeper.]

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