Chapter 6

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The boys weren't even worried about being seen. Liam called someone to make sure there was a ride out side. When he was done we walked out. I was so happy! This is great! Niall held my hand while we walked to the limo siting outside.

We got out to screening fans, I stopped to talk to them but Niall pulled me along.

"Niall! I wanted to talk to them!" I said

" we can talk to the ones at the pizza place!" he said as we got into the limo.

" so, why are we taking the limo to get pizza?" I asked honestly confused.

"Because we had no other ride!" louise said.

When we got to the pizza place, everyone recognize us. We got three large cheeses and sat down. I sat at the end of the table next to Niall so if someone came up I could talk to them like Niall promised.

There were a few fans that cane up and wanted autographs.... Some of them even asked for my autograph which I happily gave them. The six of us ate all three pizzas. I ate almost as much as Niall! When we finished we were all so full we wanted to explode!

We got back to the hotel room we all got pajamas on and went to Louis's room for a movie. They made popcorn but I was so full I couldn't eat anything else!

I was in a pair of shorts, which really looked like girls boxers, and a tank top. Niall and I walked over together and laid down on the floor together. He put a blanket over us and pulled me in, close to him...


Her small body was laying next to me. I put my arm around her as the boys picked a movie. I put my head on her's and smelt her beautiful hair.

I started to get hot under the blanket so I took my shirt off. After I did sarah rolled over on to me, we put or foreheads together. I reached up and kissed her putting my arms around her pressing her body against mine. I could feel the boy's eyes staring at us and the room got quite. I couldn't break the kiss without pushing her away which would make it mean. I let her do it, which she did after a few minutes. She ended it slowly and then collapsed on my chest. I let her get comfortable and then I put my arms around her again and looked at the blank TV. I looked up at the boys that were just staring at us.

"So what are we watching?" I asked trying to stop the awkward moment.

"We don't know.... How about The Hangover?" Liam said

The boys all agreed and i decided that Sarah can watch it even though it's raded R.

She laid on top of me for the whole movie. She put her hand over mine and intertwined our fingers.

When the movie was over I could tell Sarah was asleep so I slowly slid her off of me and scooped her up to bring her to our room. I laid her down in our bed, then I laid next to her and slowly I fell asleep....



Today is only the second day Sarah has spent with us.

We don't have anything planned for today so I found exactly what we are going to do.

     I squeezed Sarah a huge hug.

     " Good morning gorgeous!" I whispered in her ear.

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