Chapter 3: The Duel of Fate and The Past Returns Part 1

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(This is Davis' helmet, only without the mouth piece, and the crest of Miracles is on the forehead

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(This is Davis' helmet, only without the mouth piece, and the crest of Miracles is on the forehead.)

(This is Davis' riding outfit, only it's blue and white)

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(This is Davis' riding outfit, only it's blue and white)

{Last Time}

{At night, While Yusei duels Trudge}

Davis had made it to the City, and was busy trying to fix a part of his Duel Runner broke down.

Davis: *Trying to Repair the part while mumbling* "Come on you stupid hunk of junk, don't shit out on me now. I knew I should have asked Yusei to help me upgrade this dumb piece of-"

A sudden blinding flash of light covered Davis' vision, blinding him. After a few minutes, the light died down enough for Davis to see. He looked at where the light originated, and was shocked at what he saw, or rather who he saw. Someone he thought he would never see again. Someone who he was close to.

???: "Davis?"

{Chapter Start}

Davis didn't expect to get home anytime soon, or ever for that matter. He was content though, he knew that the older Destined could handle themselves, and didn't care much for his team, except for Veemon, he did still have a soft spot for the dragon digimon. The one he felt for the most was his sister, they had finally reconnected, and now thanks to the dragon that sent him here, she was probably worried. Davis doubted TK or Kari would give her answers, and the first generation were almost as unlikely. So, imagine his surprise when he saw Jun standing where that bright flash of light originated.

Jun: "Davis? Is that really you?" *Starts tearing up*

Davis: "Jun? How'd you get here? I thought-"

The Wind duelist was interrupted by his sister suddenly hugging him, as if he would disappear if she let go. Davis was surprised at first, but soon returned her hug, happy to see his older sister again.

Jun: "Just shut up, I'm just glad you're still okay, but I'm surprised. You don't look a day over 18, even though it's been 12 years."

Davis was confused at that, it had been only 8 years since he left, at least here it had. He suddenly remembered about the plan with Yusei.

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