Suraj plan

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Recap: Suraj influenced KN about Ragini's reality.

Chakor was lying on Suraj chest her blouse was removed and lying on the floor but that was all, both were so tired that their Wedding night become a short cuddle and 😴😴😴😴.

Suraj was awake looking at her silky body, which has no love marks by him, he pouts. He went through her bare back with his finger and made her smile in her sleep, he felt how his touch was effecting her. He bend down with his body to her back and starts to kiss it.

"Suraj...?!". Chakor said his name in her sleep. "Not yet please, let me sleep!". She took the pillow under her face and cuddles in it. Suraj smiles. "Haan Chakor you keep sleeping! I'm just doing a little bit love from my side!". He nuzzles her back. He took her hairs and moves them aside to have a clear overview of her back. He starts to kiss her from her neck down to her spine till her lower back. "Suraj...?!".

Suraj pouts. "I can't go further you are still in your Ghagra!". He said in an upset tone. Suraj stood up and vanished to the washroom. He comes out within 15 min and Chakor was sitting on the bed wearing her blouse. "Please don't hide them!". Chakor blushes. "Sssh!". She stood up and went to him giving him a kiss on his dried lips.

She made him turn and the way to the washroom was free, she entered and closed the door and he was standing in front of the closed door. How mean!.

Chakor took a shower and come out in her towel. "Suraj what should I wear?". He looked at her. "What you mean?". He was obviously confused. "I mean should I wear the dress for Chutki or the dresses of Mrs. Suraj Rajvanshi?". Suraj understood now!. "Okay! Mrs. Suraj Rajvanshi now show the world you are my wife, but don't forget your act!". He warns her and smiles nodding her head.

Both come out but Suraj vanished from there. "Papa I have to go to the city! I will refund in the night!". Chakor was confused but then she remembered the DNA test of KN and her hair. She smiles innerly. Ragini soon your game will be ended. I'm so happy now!.

Chakor was serving the food to everyone besides Ragini. "Malik, woh Suraj said I'm now his Bandhua Biwi and I should stay in my limits, but he warned me not to serve Ragini Malkin as she is behaving weirdly nowadays!". Chakor lowered her gaze not to meet Ragini's and KN agrees to her words. "Ragini can take the food by herself you don't need to serve her!".

All were shocked to hear this. Teju come. "Chutki, go into the kitchen and clean the utensils. And don't come out as long as you haven't finished your work!". She nods and left to the kitchen.

Ragini was fuming in anger. "Papa I haven't done anything, I don't know what she has told you, but it's all a lie!". She was trying to explain herself, but KN ignored her completely.

Suraj was on his way to Lucknow as it was the nearest city and he wanted to visit a Labour which was able to take DNA test, for that he has to drive till Mumbai. But in Lucknow he has some friends, who could do that job for him.

Suraj was driving the highway when he felt as if someone or something is following him. He looked through the gear mirror and saw a car right behind him. He took another turn and saw how the car was following him.

Suraj smirks shaking his head. So Ragini has hired someone to follow me. Now see what I will do. He was driving like a drunkard in zigzag. He speed up and starts a race on the highway, he lowered the speed and the other car had to passed him. Now Suraj was behind the following car. Suraj let another car enter the street line of the highway he did it with many cars. The follower had no chance to see him. Suraj took his right turn and entered Lucknow.

Chakor was doing her work when Ragini come in and warns her. "You stupid girl I will find out what your real intentions are and then I will expose you and Suraj. I know he is working with you. But I have no proofs yet, but that will change soon!". She left the kitchen with stamping feet's. Chakor found it fishy. She did her work and rushed to the bedroom.

Suraj reaches the hospital where his friend was working. "Hi Suraj you really come! What happened?". Suraj explains everything to his friend. "Oh wow! Nice plan! Give it to me but you know it takes 4 weeks, but as it is a fake one I might speeded up!". Suraj refuses. "No, it has to be look real. I have to convince him!". His friend nod and they have agreed that the result should be done in 4 weeks.

Chakor tried to call him, but he didn't picked up the phone as he was in a hospital, she was getting very nervous. As soon as he reached the parking lot he saw the miss calls from Chakor. He immediately calls her back.

"Suraj where were you and why didn't you picked up the Damn phone?". She was shouting at him and if she could, she would have pulled him through the phone and slapped him.

"Relax Chakor, I was in the hospital and put the mobile on silent mode. You don't worry all is done! I will be back soon. Does my rowdy wife wants something?". He asked her and she calms down.

"Uhm something you like!". She cut the call and was waiting for his arrival.

Next Tuesday
Ragini's Test result... 😂

I'm a rowdy - Sukor {Under editing}Where stories live. Discover now