Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

My eyes opened, I was awake, it was the next day and I groaned. I have to go to the school today so I can catch up on my work. I pushed myself up and rubbed my head, I have this horrible pain and I have no idea why, I should probably get that checked out.

I went over to my closet and grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, knee high leather high heel boots, a tight pink t-shirt and a leather jacket to put over it. I walked into my bathroom and pulled out my straightening iron and plugged it in, I picked up my toothbrush and put a little toothpaste on it and started to brush my teeth. My iron heated up and I started to straighten my hair.


My heels clicked down the empty halls, I looked around and my eyes spotted the schools award cabinet. I walked over and saw the awards I got our school. Volleyball championships, A cheerleading tournament, and the ones my friend got us. I shook it off, I can't think about the past, I need to focus on the good or better known as the future.

"Mrs Vanderbelt" Mrs Niiler said, clutching her books to her chest. Today I was getting all the work I was missing, and finishing up a bunch of things I never did.

Here goes nothing.


"Jean I don't know what it is, it's been happening more and more now. What should I do?" I said to my doctor, her name, Jean Harvey.

"We will need to take some x rays and when those come back I'll be able to get an idea of what we are working with" she said, her mouth forming a straight line

My phone vibrated,

From: Megan

Where are you?

I quickly texted her back and slid my phone into my coat pocket. I followed Jean into a room where I would be getting my x rays done. She handed me a robe thing,

"Go put this on, once you're done we will get the tests going" she said

I walked into a little office and started to get undressed, I quickly put the thing she gave me on and walked back out.

I soon was getting X-rays of my whole body, from head to toes.

"Okay, that's enough for now. Go put your clothes on and meet me back in my room" she said writing things down, and picking up my printed X-rays. I went back into the room and changed back into my regular clothes and left the other thing in the office on the back of a chair. When I got back into the office Jean had a very ill look on her face.

"Jean, what's wrong?" I asked curiously, as I started slowly shaking

"The reason you have had this pain on your head, it's because that, well, I don't know how to really put this but-"

"Jean, just freaking tell me, I don't have all day" I exclaimed

"It's a brain tumor"


My couch sank down as I laid on it. I was only 17. I wasn't ready to die, Im going to fight for my life. Just like I always have. I'm a Vanderbelt, the only Vanderbelt child left.

There was a knock on my front door, I got up and wiped away any possible tears. I saw a boy, he looked familiar. I opened the door slowly,

"Hey, are you Arielle Vander-" I cut him off,

"Yes, I'm Arielle Vanderbelt. May I ask who might you be?" I raised an eyebrow

"I know you're going to find this totally crazy, but Arielle, I'm your brother"

"You're my-my-my what?" I scoffed

"You're brother, Jeremiah Vanderbelt" he said, in a low tone

" You can't be my brother. I'm an only child" I laughed

"Arielle, you're going to have to trust me. You don't even know who our parents are. Or what they have done" he whispered

"Jeremiah, if that's even your real name, what have our parents done"

"Horrible horrible things, if you let me in I can tell you everything you need to know" he said

"Fine, come in"

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