Chapter 6

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[A/N] PLEASE READ THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE! Okay so I entered the first book of my Larry Stylinson trilogy (Yes there will be a third book) in the 1D mini watty awards. There will be links sent out when it gets posted. So please vote for it if you could! (: That is all and you might want to bring out the tissues ;'(


Larry's POV

I run to my bathroom on the verge of throwing up my guts. I tried to eat the sandwich Stella gave me today, I just couldn't. I'm not bulimic or anything like that, I just can't eat. I look into the mirror and look at my face. It's paler than Niall's skin, my eyes are now a grey color. My short hair is messed up. I throw water in my face. The color hasn't regained. I put on a black jacket over me and put my hoodie up with sunglasses. I walk back down stairs to apologize to Nichole and Stella. I shouldn't have snapped at them. I walk down and they're sitting there crying. I walk into the kitchen when I start to feel dizzy. My stomach feeling like it got hit by a bus and someone jumped on me.

"Nic-Nichole? St-Stella? I'm s-sorry," I stutter


She pulls me into her lap. I look at her. Her face is frantic. I turn my head and Elizabeth is looking at me. Jay is in shock looking at me. I start to fade into darkness...

Nichole's POV (Finally right? *wiggles eyebrows*)

What Larry said hurt, but he was just angry. We rush to the hospital with Larry in Stella's arms. Jay is crying into my chest. She's in shock of what happened to Larry. We don't even know what's going on with him! Ellie just sits and stares at all the commotion. She's still too young to understand.

We jump out of the car once it parks. Tyler grabs Larry from Stella. He sprints for the hospital doors. I walk to the waiting room with Jay in my arms. She fell asleep sometime on the way here. I pull out my phone and decide to call Harry. Stella is an emotional wreck right now. It's taking Tyler and Korey to calm her down. I dial Harry's number and wait for him to answer.

"Hey Nikki what's up?" Harry asks.

"H-Harry?" I say trying not to sob.

"Nichole? What's wrong?" Harry asks concerned.

"Larry. He's in the hospital. You and the boys have to come out here. I'll be calling Danni and El after you. Just please come," I sob.

"We're on our way!" Harry says.

The line goes dead and I just need to call Danni and El. I repeat the same thing to them and they're coming out as soon as they can. We've been here for at least an hour. I hate this waiting game! I nervously bite my nails as a doctor comes out of the room.

"Larry Styles-Tomlinson?" he calls out.

I jump up along with Tyler. We both walk over to the doctor anxious to hear what he has to say. He has us come to a consoling room. He knows we aren't his parents. He has us sit down.

"We're very sorry to say, but it seems that Larry has Leukemia. Usually this would be common with kids younger than 9. We aren't too sure how far along he is with the cancer. There also seems to be signs that he was beaten recently. That caused him to lose a lot of blood. He has minor head trauma that he can recover from. You man see him," he says getting up.

We nod. Tyler and I are both in tears. He takes us to his room. It's cold and white. The light is bright in here. There's a constant beeping noise from the machine. We slowly make our way to his bed. Larry's usual blue-green eyes are closed. His hair is sticking all over the place. How are we supposed to break the news to Harry and Lou? My phone starts to ring. Louis. Crap.

"Hello?" I say trying to wipe away my tears.

"We will be at the hospital in 3 hours. Did they say what was wrong with Larry?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, but um, I think its better we tell you in person," I say.

"Oh my god. It's that bad!?" Louis screams.

"Lou, calm down. Well just tell you when you're here," I say.

I hang up and look back at Larry. He's so pale and looks peaceful asleep. I walk out of the room to get the others. I wake up Stella and Korey. Korey picks up Jay and I pick up Ellie.

"Can I see Larry?" she asks in her baby voice.

"Yes, we're going to see him right now," I coo.

"LARRY!" she giggles.

I give her a sad smile and open the door to Larry's room. I see Tyler holding one of Larry's hands. Ellie looks at Larry with a sad expression.

"What wrong wif Larry?" she asks.

"Larry is just sick. He needs to sleep," I say.

She nods and leans her head against my shoulder. Stella and Korey look at my anxiously. Oh right, I haven't told them yet.

"Well?" Stella asks impatiently.

"Well...Larry has Leukemia," I say.

Stella's eyes open wide. They instantly fill with tears. Korey hugs her for comfort. Why do bad things always happen to good people? 

Harry's POV

This plane ride is taking forever. My son is in the hospital and Nichole won't tell us why. I have a feeling it's something really bad. I can't imagine my baby boy suffering anymore. He suffered the times when we were just becoming a family and now he's suffering again. I don't care if he looks like Louis anymore. I understand that Louis and I can only just be friends and that I need to move on. I NEED to. For the sake of my boy. The problem is I'm not sure if I like anyone. Sure I liked Stella but we both decided just to be friends.

"Harry, you're stressing yourself, calm down," Liam's voice says in my ear.

I take in and let out deep breaths. This is killing me. I bite my lip nervously as the plane ride continues. Please go faster.


Louis is driving madly to the hospital. Right now, we could care less for the speed limit. We have to see Larry. Louis stops the car at the entrance. We jump out of the car and start to run towards the doors. Stella stops us along with Tyler. They've always been the closest with Larry.

"Guys, um, sit down. We need to tell you before you go in the room," Tyler says almost whispering.

We all exchange looks and sit down like Tyler said. I brace myself for the worst. I don't want something terrible to have happened to Larry. Tyler bites his lip.

"Guys," he starts.

The next 3 words that came out his mouth made me break down.

"Larry has Leukemia.'

I feel the room start to spin. My eyes start to get cloudy with tears. I feel myself fall and start to fade in the darkness...Last thing I remember was Liam screaming his head off for help...

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now