Chapter Twelve: A Healthy Fear of the Dark

Start from the beginning

Lugaria sat quietly in the dim light of a spell, with Fykes as his only alert company. "So you're content to just wander around the forest until that girl finds her mother or gets you killed?" he asked, setting the nearly empty bottle down between them.

"Yes." Fykes smiled.

Lugaria scoffed. "Determination and idiocy are a bad combination."

"She's no idiot," Fykes said. "Just a little naive."

"The Uhma'zarhins don't care what she is," Lugaria said, stretching an arm over his head, enjoying the ease of the motion.

Arjiah had refused to leave his wounds alone, instead insisting that Agrata would need his help to make it back home. She was not wrong, he supposed. Now they were healed just enough so that he could keep going, and that was all he had ever needed before.

Fykes shook his head, a half smile curving his lips. "She's the only reason we found you."

"You can't help but try to save the maiden in distress, can you?" Lugaria snorted.

Fykes chuckled. "She isn't in distress. And when she is, she handles it on her own quite well. Maybe you shouldn't be so doubtful." He waved a hand, dismissing the subject. "Why the hell are you out here, anyway? Shouldn't you be at the Fort, or with Graiden?"

Lugaria shrugged. "Always been a better scout. Byron sent groups out to find some lost ruins. Graiden wanted me with this group." He picked up the bottle and took a long drink, coughing as he pulled it away. He rarely drank, and this was stronger than any tavern ale. "They were new... just recruits."

"I'm sorry..." Fykes said, glancing to Agrata as he slept. "Did you find what Byron wanted, at least?"

"No. It's further east."

"I hope it is... the fort's in bad shape." Fykes ran a hand through his hair. "Jon's getting a little desperate."

"You didn't hear?" Lugaria looked at him quizzically. "Fykes... the fort is gone."

"What? " Fykes barked, jerking forward. "What happened?"

Katerin jerked awake at the sudden noise, eyes wide and blinking furiously, staff in hand as she looked around.

"There was a big raid. The fort was blown to pieces." Lugaria continued, not paying her any heed.

Fykes sat shock still, head down. His hair fell in front of his face, shading his eyes. His fingertips rubbed at his temples.

"What?" Katerin asked, looking around still holding her staff. "Fykes? Are you alright?"

Fykes' head snapped up, staring at Lugaria with pleading eyes. "Jon?"

"He survived." Lugaria's tone softened. "He lost a leg, though."

"Where is he?" Fykes asked, his voice sounding hollow and rough.

"In O'siaris. Two of his men drug him back."

Katerin was wide awake now. "What about the rest of the men?" She scooted closer to their conversation, leaving Arjiah to her quiet slumber.

Lugaria shook his head. "Two were with Jon. They were trying to carry him back... they're the only ones who survived... " He shook his head. "The fort is rubble. He blew it to pieces." A small smile pulled at his lips. "Though if you ask Jon, he dragged his men back with a missing leg, killed a dozen more lizards, and charmed a maiden on the way."

"I... I need a minute," Fykes said, standing and exiting the tree without another sound.

Katerin frowned after him, and Lugaria easily caught the look in her eyes. Concern—genuine, and deep. He wondered if she knew it was there for a moment, until she turned her gaze to him.

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