Thank You!

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hi hello, how are you? can i give you a warm hug? a kiss? anything? to thank you for sticking with me this far. seriously though, i still can't believe you all took the time of the day to give this book a chance, so thank you to every single one of you, from the bottom of my heart.

thank you for each and every comment, each and every theory, motivation and word of kindness that has been said. without you, this wouldn't have happened at all.

before i start tearing up, here's a few facts about june and its background story!!

I. june was originally inspired by my regret of never taking that ballet class when i was younger sigh. and also by a crush of mine (he had a girlfriend ad that time). a lot of inspiration came out of the conversations we both had up until the early mornings, hint most conversations and scenes between june and jimin have happened in my real life. (yes i was almost hit by a train 3 times lmao.)

II. i never thought i'd be able to write a fluff/romance book. all i've ever written about was horror, gore, and lots of mystery (thank you supernatural fam) but hey! here we are after 10 months of writing yikes. there's first time for everything, right?

III. originally, taehyung wasn't supposed to be in the whole picture. i wanted a fluff book, a coming of age story between a ballerina and another dancer, but thought it was too cliche and asked my sister what would it be like if june had issues with anxiety, depression and had given her conscious a personality? 

then my sister approved, and i had already written the first two chapters.

now before y'all come at me with the ''romanticizing a mental illness'' i'm gonna tell you that this has nothing to do with romanticizing mental illnesses of any sort. in fact, this book had been sitting in my head for way too long because like june, i myself (and i'm sure a lot of you as well) have struggled with mental illness. 

i'm still struggling, still fighting.

and i've been so afraid to publish this, mainly because i thought people wouldn't understand. i thought they'd dislike this so it took a lot for me to finally start writing this seriously. but also this is here to break the stigma of people suffering from mental illness. 

if you're going through anything right now, whether it be an illness, both physical and mental, or just a bad day, know that i'm so proud of how strong you are and how far you've come. never give up on yourself.

IV. all the gifs in this book were made by yours truly.

V. as an imaginary friend, taehyung is also a pile of june's emotions. he is her conscious; her anxiety, happiness, thoughts, mental illness and depression. hence the fact he's always with her, and only her, nagging or showing many outcomes of a certain situation. june is taehyung, and taehyung is june. makes sense?

VI. covers


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