"What's taking him so long?" Hansen said while Sydney twisted her fingers. She was nervous, nervous and scared, scared that he might not like her plan. She still remembered when Hansen mentioned his brother has never been in a relationship. Her plan however, involves a lot of coupling stuff.

The door suddenly burst open and a red-eyed Anderson stood before them, in nothing but boxer shorts. Strays of golden hair fell around his eyes and the side of his face. His massive chest stared back at Sydney's widened eyes and she could swear that they winked at her. A soft looking carpet of golden hair lay between his two breasts and went lower to his well-defined and drool-worthy abs, then disappear in the waistbands of the shorts.

The muscles on his arms flexed when he placed one hand on the door and the other against the door-frame. Sydney had never seen a man so manly. The so-called men in her town did not even work out. They loved their food more than their health. Not even the actors she worked with looked this sexy and oh-so smoking hot!

Anderson rubbed his eyes and blinked rapidly to adjust to the cruel sunlight that attacked them. When he could see better, he made out Sydney and Hansen, together with what... suitcases?

"Took you long enough." Hansen smirked and lifted a handbag, over his shoulder... a ladies handbag to be precise.

"What are you doing so early in my house with a ladies handbag?" He asked his brother, still not wondering why the suitcases.

"Let us in and we will explain everything to you." Hansen's eyes glinted as he smiled brightly. Reaching for his brother's arm, he removed it from the door-frame and left enough space for him to enter. He dragged Sydney's bags with him, leaving her still awestruck at Anderson's god-like features.

His eyes found hers and she quickly looked away. Sydney moved inside without a word. Anderson turned about and watched her move through the narrow corridor until she turned into the living room. He closed the front door as a puzzled expression made its way onto his sleepy face.

What is going on here? He asked and dragged himself into the living room where Sydney and Hansen already made themselves comfortable on the chairs. With his hands on his hips, he asked.

"What brings you here so early in the morning? And what is with the suitcases? Is someone moving in?"

Before Sydney could reply, Hansen beat her to it. "Your fiancée is moving in with you."

Anderson became fully awake after that shocking news. His gaze quickly moved to Sydney and her eyes were already on him. They locked for a couple of seconds before she confirmed what his brother just said.

"Yes. I am moving in with you."

"Why do you want to move in with me?" He asked.

"Because, she is your fiancée." Hansen replied and Anderson frowned at him.

"I wasn't asking you. Now please don't interfere."

Sydney got off the chair before answering. "I want to move in with you as part of me keeping my side of the deal. You are doing your part, so it's time for me to do mine."

"You are already doing your part by playing my fiancée." He remaindered her just in case she had forgotten that.

"I know, but I am not playing that part as well as I am supposed to. Which is why, I decided that from today on wards, we are going to be a real couple." Anderson blinked, while still holding her gaze. "I understand that you do not know the first rules in dating a woman so I wrote down a few notes which will be of help."

Sydney tore her gaze away from his and moved to remove a paper from her bag. She advanced towards him and continued. "I hope you do not mind my rushed decision,"

"Yes, it is indeed rushed." He cut in.

"...But I would really appreciate it if you not object to anything on the paper. Everything is important if you want the media and everyone else to believe that we indeed are a serious couple."

"Might I add that, your inheritance is at stake here." Hansen added, as his brother skimmed through the paper.

No. No. No. No. No! Anderson chanted at the few 'rules' he saw on the paper. No. No. No! She was asking too much of him. He could not possibility wear matching outfits with her, or go shopping with her, or even ... what the hell, was that... sit down and talk about themselves, no, no!

They were not a couple. She was an actress and he hired her to play his wife. She should just stick to playing that part, why does she want to get him involved in relationship garbage. He hates commitments! Why was she trying to make him commit to her!

* * * * * *

It's an update!

 I apologise for the short chapter. Btw, how was it?

  Anderson is afraid of commitments. What will he do? I would like to hear from you.

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  ♥ Sameeha.

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