Good morning&yandere

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Gavin's pov

I woke up feeling like shit, I groan as I slowly open my tired and heavy eyes, my head throbbing in pain. I sit up groaning as I notice a small black cat on my lap, i smile and starts to pet her. I then remember what happened last night and sighs. I get up and heads into the kitchen where I smell pancakes and coffee, once I enter I see Conan flipping some pancakes "good morning Gavin, I made you coffee and breakfast" then the Android set the plate full of pancakes down and I sat at the table, slowly digging in, also drinking my coffee. As I do Conan sits down across from me, after I'm done with my plate Connor slides over a small orange tube, I look it over and see it's my anti depression pills. "Gavin, after last nights events I have convinced captain flower to let me stay with you 24/7 as emotional support" I look up at the Android slightly annoyed "why the fuck would I want YOU to look after me? And I don't need you! I don't need a stupid Android to babysit me!" I then stand up and before I can walk away I am lined to the wall, I look up at Conan as he holds my wrists by my head. "I'm doing this because I care about you Gavin and I don't want you to get hurt!" He says, I look into his eyes and sees sadness and fear. "Conan, are you a deviant?" I ask the robot in front of me, this makes him let go and backs away from me a little bit. "You don't have work today by the way Gavin..." he says before walking away, ignoring my question.

Conan's pov

I walk off and starts to clean up the dishes, after Gavin finish his breakfast, after what happened last night I have a strong urge to protect him...I wanna keep him to myself so I know he's safe...I will do everything I can to keep Gavin happy but I have to be careful, if he finds out that I became deviant he will probably tell cyberlife and have me shut down or reset. So I kept my mouth shut when he asked the question. After I finish the dishes I start cleaning Gavin's bedroom, then I feel something soft against my leg and picks it up. Scanning it, it's a back cat with blue eyes and a pink nose, it's a Male. I set him down and kept cleaning up, making the bed and opening the curtains making the room look almost perfect. I then walk out and also clean up the rest of the apartment. The cat following me. I then walk up to Gavin. "Lieutenant, I seem to have a stalker" I say looking at that cat, this makes Gavin laugh and I smile. He had a beautiful smile, my cheeks go a light blue before he picks up the cat. I also sit next to him and looks at the tv screen.

//time skip//

We are back at the police station at our desk working, Gavin's stress levels keep going up and down, so I get up and get him some coffee to help him, he takes the cup with "thank you, asshole" I smile and nod. Happy that I am breaking through to him. I then see Connor walk up holding some files. As Connor and Gavin talk I get angry. A fire burning inside my core as I watch them. Gavin reed is mine! Back off Connor, or I will destroy you. I shake my head at my thoughts before I keep working. That was weird...I've never acted like that before...I get the new files and read them over with Gavin before we head out to the crime scene. Luckily it wasn't at the Eden place...or I swear if any of them try and flirt with MY Gavin again I'll kill each and every one of them.

Rk900 x Gavin|| F U C K E D.  U P. Where stories live. Discover now