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The fire keeps spreading. Screams fill the air and my vision is taken over by a sea of orange flames, which are slowly closing in on me. I keep running. I have to find him. People push past me, frantically trying to get to the exit of the building. They're not going to make it.

Tears burn down my cheeks and my head starts to spin. I buckle over and land on my knees gasping for air that I can't get. There are bodies all over the ground some still wearing their graduation caps. I fight back the tears that form in my eyes. I try to get up but I fall on my hands which makes me scream with pain. I can't move.

My vision starts to fog but I push it away. I can't die. I can't die. I need to see him one more time. The fog takes over my body and I scream for help. My whole body is in fire.

Then through the fog a figure appears. I recognise that it's him strait away as he runs over to my helpless body. I look into his piercing blue eyes, his gaze full of pain.

His mouth forms a word and even though I can't hear him I know what he says.


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