too early

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Alice woke up as she felt a burning sensation shoot through her stomach and spine. She gasped and clutched her stomach in agony, looking over at her alarm clock which read 01:03. None of her contractions had been this powerful and she began to fear the worst.

After a while the pain vanished and she calmed down a bit, however after the next contraction hit she began panicking. Once again the same pain, if not worse, soared through her body, making her wince.

She looked over at the clock and saw that it had only been five minutes since her last contraction. She didn't want to believe it, but she knew what this meant. She could already feel beads of sweat forming on her head as the pain intensified.

The next contraction caused her to yelp in pain. She clutched onto the bed sheet, only to realise it was soaked through.

"fuck!" she yelled, her voice breaking.

"FP!" she cried, trying to get him to wake up. "FP, help me!"

FP was a deep sleeper so at first he didn't hear Alice's cries, however as soon as it registered in his mind he shot up.

"Alice? you ok? what's wrong?"

Of course he couldn't see anything because it was pitch black in the room, but he already sensed what was happening. He quickly fumbled around the nightstand, trying to find the light switch and once he did he immediately turned it on.

He could see the tears streaming down her face and the way she was clutching her stomach.

"my water broke- the baby- its- too early" she cried.

"shhh, calm down" FP said, rubbing his hand along her back to try and relieve the pain. "it's ok. You're ok. The baby will be fine, we just need to get to the hospital"


"okay. hold my hand and I'll help you get up" FP said, trying his best to stay calm although he was also freaking out. He tried not to show it though because he knew he had to be there for Alice, and that it was a lot worse for her.

He helped her up and they made their way out of the room. They reached the landing before Alice felt another contraction. She leaned into FP and waited for the pain to pass.

"uhh" she yelled, as the contraction got worse.

"oh my god, what's wrong?" she heard Betty's voice say.

"You're mother is in labour, go and get Jughead and meet us down in the car" FP instructed.

Betty raced to go and get Jughead and just as FP had said, they met them outside in the car. Jughead took the seat next to FP and Betty sat next to Alice, who was sat in the back. FP started the car and they drove to the hospital.

"Betty" Alice winced.

"Hey mom, everything's going to be just fine, ok?" she said, reaching out for Alice's hand.

She could tell her mother was terrified and clearly in a lot of pain.

After what felt like forever to Alice, they finally reached the hospital. FP helped Alice inside and she was immediately taken into one of the rooms.


"ok Ms Smith, you're about 5 centimetres dilated. It may take a while" the doctor said.

Alice groaned. She had already been given an anaesthetic to relieve some of the pain, but she didn't want to have to deal with it for much longer.

"you're doing great Al" FP said, trying to keep her mind off it. She nodded and smiled at him.

"but the baby is too early" she said, making her face drop.

"look, if there was too much of a risk, the doctors would have done something by now, alright?"

Alice sighed, knowing he was right.

"but we're not even prepared yet"

"actually, while you were asleep yesterday Jughead, Betty, and I finished the baby's room. It's all done, you don't have to worry about anything"

Alice was so overwhelmed by the fact that they all put in so much effort, that it made her cry.

"don't cry" FP said, getting up from his seat next to her and hugging her.

"hope we're not interrupting anything" a woman's voice said from across the room.

Alice looked up to see Hermione and Fred standing at he door.

"no.. come in" Alice smiled. The four of them had so much history and it meant a lot to her that they were there.

"Betty called us" Fred said.

"I'm glad you're both here" Alice said, truthfully.

The four of them talked for a while, trying their best to distract Alice. Every now and then she would have a contraction, but after a while they began getting worse.

"ahh" she moaned as the same burning sensation shot through her once more, however this time worse than usual.

"do you need me to get the doctor?" Hermione asked.

"please" Alice said as she clutched her stomach once more. She knew this feeling and she knew it was time.

The doctor came rushing in and checked to see how she was doing.

"ten centimetres" he said.

Shortly after, Hermione and Fred were asked to leave and there were a bunch of nurses in the room.

"okay, now every time you feel a contraction, I'm going to need you to push, alright?"

"yes, I know how it works, certainly not the first time" she mumbled under her breath so only FP could hear.

FP smiled to himself. No matter what the situation, no matter how much pain she was in, she was always able to come up with a snarky comment.

She began to feel the next contraction approaching and clenched onto FP's hand.

"ok, I need you to start pushing now"

Ok, so finally what you've all been waiting for! I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to update very soon xx

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