I looked at Daejah,  feeling remorse. Ion know she felt like that. " Baybeh I'm sowry fo' ma' actions yesta'day. I wasn't thinkin' 'bout allat, ight?"

" You always Don't  be thinking August. You need to start." She mumbled, catching a attitude.

" Aye, man. Don't start with that attitude shit, Daejah. I said I'm sowry, I apologize for ma' actions and not thinking about how that might effect Arianna and Abrianna. Every parent ain't perfect, you said it for yourself, yeah?"

She nodded. " Yeah, we're all still learning."

" Righ' and I'm still learning every single day, baybeh. It won't happen again Daejah. You accept my apology?"

" Mhm, I'll accept it August. But that shit better not happen again, had me stressing this morning. " She huffed. " But we good now."

" Good." I smiled. I observed Daejah body, my baybeh is thick. And all that is natural, all these girls out here, got implants, shots and plastic surgery. I know for a fact, Daejah didn't do not one. And she stayed looking good.  She had all the right curves in all the right places. All the baybeh weight she gained, stuck with her, in a good way. I can't get enough of it. " Baybeh come hea'."

She shyly walked over to me. I motioned her to sit down on it. She was hesitant at first but eventually did as told. I caressed the inside her thigh, kissing her neck. She squirmed but I held her in place.

" We can't do this now."

" I know.... Ya' just taste like chocolate."

She laughed. " What?"

I licked her neck. " Ya' taste like chocolate. I luh' dat shit." She tried to get up but I held her down.

" Stuappp." She groaned, laughing.

" I'm just sayin'." I shrugged.

" Well thank you..?"

" Ya' Welcome." I smiled, kissing her neck again. " Na' Was' goin' on witcha' baybeh?" This whole time, we was talking. I notice something off about Daejah ,  like something was bothering her.

" Nothing." She replied back, exhaling.

"  Mhm, it sum'. Tell meh' baybeh."

She looked at me, nodded. " Okay... so yesterday while we were laying in bed. And you kinda said..." She fiddled with her fingers.

I grabbed her hand, looking at her. " That I luh' ya'?" She looked at me with an shock expression. She quickly got up from my lap, shaking her head. " Was' wrong baybeh?"

" You said I love you. "

" Yeah, cause I luh' ya." I smiled.

" No, don't say that August. " Tears were forming in her eyes.

I quickly stood up, reaching out for her. But she didn't want me to hold her. She hugged herself. " Baybeh, why you cryin'?"

" Cause you- you said, I love you. I don't want to hear that. Cause all you gonna do is cheat on me and break my heart. I don't want to go through that again."

My face soften. " No I'm not. Baybeh I really do luh' ya', I'm not sayin' dat, just cause. I really do Daejah. "

" You don't know that." She sniffed, wiping her tears.

" Yes I do, because I wanna be with you Daejah. Nobody else, stop allat crying baybeh. Why you so afraid of the word I love you? "

" Because of you. Right after you said them 3 words, you cheated right after. You made me look foolish, you made me actually believe that you loved me."

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