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After a while I reach home.I find Ichiya waiting for me in my bed even though it's late.

"Hey ,"he greets.

"Hey.It's late.You must have been tired waiting for me."

"Dont worry .I'm fine.You must be more tired than me."

"Hmm yeah I'm a little tired."

I sit down beside him."A lot happened today."

"You did a great performance.It doesn't matter that you lost.You can still start from the beginning."

"Yeah you are right.A new beginning."

I talk about everything that happened today.I continue,"I'll be returning back to Japan next week an i don't know when I'll come here .But does that mean that I can't see you again?" I look at his eyes .

"Stupid.Did you forget that I also live in Japan?"

"So I can see you again right?"

"Yup."I smile at him.

"Thank goodness.'Cause I don't want to be apart from you.I wanna be with you."

He sighs."You should realize what you say so easily."

"!!"He grabs my chin and pushes me on the bed gently and leans over me.

"How can you turn me on so easily? You should understand the consequences. "

He starts to lean closer to my face until our lips are an inch apart.As they were about to meet,he moves his lips to my forehead and kisses it.He gets up from the bed . I'm still shocked about just what happened.

"You should take rest. "He says while smirking.And with that he leaves.

I recover from it and sit up on the bed."Come to think of it , it happened before when I first came here.He just likes to tease me."

I change from the gown into pyjamas. And fall asleep on the bed.

To Be Continued.

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