Part 11 Pay back

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Spyro now knows how to pay Miles Scourge Eggman back with Sonic Shadow Silver Sonia Alies Sally Knuckles Tikal Tails Espio Heart Ice spying on them waiting to make the story right again as it should be Shadow and Tails are in a room
Shadow's P.O.V
I'm in a room with Tails I'm reading a book whell thinking of Heart she dosn't remember her past or her mom and dad " I'm going out I'll be back" Tilas sadi Tails put his book down  and walked out but that's the frist time Tails put that book down " hmm" I sadi I walked up to the bed where the book is I pink it up and open it and what I see is Heart and writing it says hey it's me again I started to feel something in my heart but I only feel it when I'm near Heart I know she shy and that but I can't help it I love her we'll that's it for now bye. I can't believe it Tails loves Heart but so do I what am I going to do
Tails's P.O.V
I'm walking down the hall till I bunm into " ugh" I look down and see Heart " o Heart I'm so sorry" I sadi I helped her up " where are you going" I asked " I'm following Spyro" Heart sadi " why" Tails sadi as Heart talks Tails why she following Spyro Spyro was going to Scourge " hey" Spyro sadi " Spyro what are you doing here" Scourge asked " o I'll tall you but first call Eggman and Miles" Spyro sadi " okay" Scourge sadi Scourge called Eggman and Miles so they came but Miles was bring Stealth elf " hey Scourge we're here" Eggman sadi with him Miles and Stealth elf walked in they stopped when they saw a dragon " Spyro my old friend it's so" Miles was cut off by Spyro " save it you 3 know  why I'm here" than Spyro saw Stealth elf " Stealth" Spyro sadi " Spy" Stealth elf sadi Spyro and Stealth elf hug each other " what are you doing here" Spyro sadi " Miles bring me here he sadi you died" Stealth elf sadi " Miles told you a lie" Spyro sadi " what he sadi he thought you died too" Stealth elf sadi " I wasn't dead I was in jail because of them" Spyro sadi Stealth elf turned around to face Scourge Eggman Miles " you 3 did this to him" she yelled " we did no sace thing" Eggman sadi "you can stop with the lies I heard all you talk how you 3 put me in jail" Spyro sadi " and Miles we're done" she sadi the guareds came and put Scourge Eggman Miles in jail and so Spyro and Stealth elf married and the 12 went back to the guys

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