02|godforsaken superhero

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"I'm Sydney but my friends like to call me Syd," she flashed me a grin, and to be respectful, I sent her a rueful smile.

"Well, I'm Brenda and he," I touched Gg, "He's Gg, my pet camel"

"Oh wow, so we can have camels as pets. Hmm… anyway, nice to meet you Bree" she chuckled and I cocked a brow at what she called me.

"Nice to meet you too." I sneezed and motioned to the dust-laden air that she was unintentionally responsible for polluting. 

"I thought I was using the path alone," she sighed and rubbed her forehead then tucked the hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear.

"You are the new girl?" She suddenly asked while brushing her hand through her midnight locks of hair.

"Two months can't count as new."

"I knew I will find you. You've been the talk of the town," she spoke with a cheerful smile on her lips.

"Huh?" I raised a curious brow.

"Yes, a boyfriend snatcher." she chuckled humorously.

My eyes widened in shock. 

"Wait. Why did they label me as a boyfriend snatcher? Since I arrived here I haven't even met a boy, let alone snatched one!" I defended myself immediately, mentally knowing I just escaped one minutes ago.

She laughed.

"In this side of town, a girl is considered a boyfriend snatcher with her beauty."

"Oh," I heaved a sigh of relief and didn't miss the part that the people counted me as beautiful. 

"Well, people should calm their demons 'cause I won't be snatching any boyfriend. Anyway Sydney…" I adjusted myself on Gg's back, "It was nice meeting you."

"Oh, wait…" she jumped in front of Gg, hence stopping him from walking away. "Come to my birthday party tonight," she requested, more like demanded. 

That was unexpected and her characters were quite unbelievable. "I can't," I genuinely said. I wasn't ready to land myself under the attention of people who had already labelled me as a snatcher. 

"You have to. I have invited everyone in the estate and only you are remaining. I've already spoken to your father and he approved it" she jabbed me playfully then turned to Gg. "Do you want to come too?"

"You spoke to my dad?"

She nodded, "yep, I was gonna ask your mum for permission but boy oh boy, her eyes got me dumb."

I almost laughed at that because she was totally right. She even did well for not talking to her because she could have hated her at her first sight. 

My mom was a short-tempered woman. Even the slightest of things made her furious, and speaking of going to night parties could have led to an argument and a hundred reasons why I have never listened to anything she said.

Our relationship was not good, I sometimes forgot I had a mother. 

"Honestly I can't" I egged on, I knew partying was to come along with another argument with my mother.

"Your dad already approved it! So you will come!"

Dad was affectionate and I loved him for that. He was my rock, my strength, and the reason for my smile. Whenever I was down, he would cheer me up. 

If only he was not always busy at work, then home couldn't have been a living hell. 

"My house number is 33AC. I won't cut my cake until you come- bye" she emotionally blackmailed then ran off to her bike and rode off without waiting for me to argue.

I shrugged and patted Gg's back as a signal for him to start moving and he complied. 

Maybe I needed the party because dad was to work that night and a whole night with mum alone always ended up in a sick drama and a million reasons why I was a bad daughter.

The distance I had with my mother was enough to tell that our relationship was rotten. It was never like that before, she never used to hate me for no reason, but when time went by, she changed. 

It was not a big deal to see her change, but one day she gave me a reason to know I had no mother, and the words she blurted to me were tattooed in the deepest corner of my heart.

"You know what breaks my heart? To know that you are my daughter!" 

Those were her words and even if a miracle were to happen and we would be okay someday, I was never gonna forget those words because she told a seven years old me, and seven years me was too young for those words.


🦋Thank You For Reading🦋

The Story is available on Radish.

THE Bad Boy's Obsession Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon