Pregnant| T.H

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You had been feeling sick since the morning. You thought of every possible reason when it hit you. You ran to the bathroom and pulled out the pregnancy tests from the cabinet, using all 5 just in case. You looked at the results as anticipation quickly filled you up. Positive.

"OMG, I'm going to be a mum!!!" you yelled, jumping about. Tom was out shooting so you decided to wait for him to come home; you didn't want to tell him the good news over the phone.

You waited and waited for him to come. 10 pm. He's an hour late. You decided to call Harrison, getting worried.

"Hey, Haz. Have you seen Tom?"

"Hi, (Y/N). He left an hour ago, is he not there? He said he's going home."

"Oh, erm. No, he's not. Bye." You quickly ended the call as your mind began to wander. Where is he?! You went on Snapchat and had a look at the map to find his Bitmoji at a house. You hurriedly drove to the destination and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" The door opened to reveal Tom half naked. "(Y/N)... erm..."

"Who's that, baby?" You looked behind an embarrassed Tom to see a girl covering herself up with a duvet.

"Tom, what's going on?" you asked as tears speeded down your face. "Ar-are you not happy w-with me?"

"No, (Y/N), I-"

"-I don't wanna hear it. Bye, Tom." You walked regrettably out of his life, knowing you still carried your child.

3 years later....

"Mummy, can I please get an ice cream?" Your son, Max, asked as you walked into the park.

"Anything for you, dear," you smiled, taking him towards the ice cream van. Max was a daily reminder of Tom; he looked just like him apart from the eyes, he had yours.
"Can I please have 2 Mr Whippies with 99 flakes and chocolate sauce?" You recited Max's favourite which was also painstakingly Tom's. Grabbing the ice creams, you walked backwards to find yourself tripping on a rock. The ice creams went onto the guy in front, much to your shock.

"Oh no, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to stumble into you. I'm so sorry!" You rambled, staring at the stains.

"(Y/N)?" You looked up to see Tom. You took Max's hand and brung him forward.

"Hi, Tom," you mumbled, looking down at your feet.

"Who's this?" He crouched down and tickled Max, making him burst out with laughter.

"This is Max, our son. Max, love? This is your daddy."

"Daddy!!!!" Max screamed before launching himself onto Tom. He laughed before standing back up to meet your eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" His voice had a comforting tone to it, which you had missed. You broke down in front of him, feeling ashamed of yourself.

"I-I was gonna t-tell you that night." you cried.

"What have I done?" he murmured, running his fingers through his hair in stress. "I'm an idiot, (Y/N). Not one day goes past when I haven't thought about you. You're the love of my life and I'm a fool to have let you go. I regret what I've done, honestly." He was close to tears which made you even more emotional. "I've missed the first years of our son and I'm incredibly sorry for it. I'm sorry for everything I've done. Will you take me back?," his voice was laced with worry.

The answer was clear in your mind. As much as you hated Tom for cheating on you, he was always your true love and you were his.
"Yes, Tom," you smiled, picking up Max and passing him to your other half.

"I'll go and get some ice creams for the three of us and maybe we could catch up?" He kissed your son on the nose and looked back at you hopefully.

"I'd love that, Tom." You smiled and walked to the bench, happily knowing that the only one you have ever loved was back in your life and that you had a perfect family.

A/N: hope u guys are enjoying this book so far and just wanted to let you know, if you could check out my girl's new book of Marvel Imagines, it would be great.  honey-ann - such a great book with amazing imagines, y'all should check it out ❤️❤️ If u have any requests, we'd love them.

Love u all❤️❤️

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